Tools used in this project
Maven Healthcare Challenge

About this project

This entry does not meet the challenge objective by Maven. My goal was to present the latest results in an informative and friendly way and to compare the Top Hospitals in the USA such As the Mayo Clinic or the Cleveland Clinic.

Power BI Process:

Step 1. Read the challenge and download the data. View the data and read the Data Dictionary.

Step 2. write on a notepad the tables, keys and fields and mentally start to determine the dimensions vs. fact tables and the relationships.

Step 3. Load and transform the data. Perform the necessary data type changes and division calculation to convert to percentage (also noted in the data dictionary). Use a hierarchy for the State and region and categorize accordingly.

Step 4. Model the data placing the dimension tables at the top and fact tables at the bottom, adding the relationships and hiding foreign keys from the Report view. Check the primary key and foreign keys vs. the data dictionary (Maven was surprisingly kind in adding PK and FK in the data dictionary which has never happened before, maybe they felt a little guilty of multiple fact tables)

Step 5. Use DAX to add measures and place in a dedicated measures table.

Step 6. Use appropriate visualizations.

Excel Process:

Used to improve the layout, insert object such as shapes, icon, text box.

Digital illustration Process:

Used to delete repetitive information, highlight cells , etc.

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