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New York City Cabs Trip

About this project

Goals :

Analyze the New York City Cab Dataset and find out popular passenger trends ?

Business Needs:

What is the Average fare amount between 2017 and 2020 ?

How many passengers do we have for the year 2017 , 2018, 2019 and 2020 ?

Which year had the most passengers ?

Did Covid play any role in the turn out of the number of passengers using York Cabs


There were 16 milloin passengers forthe year 2017.

There were 12 milloin passengers forthe year 2018.

There were 7 milloin passengers forthe year 2019.

There were 2 milloin passengers forthe year 2020.

The Average fare for each passenger in a New York Cab in the year 2020 was approximately 16.98 dollars

The Average fare for each passenger in a New York Cab in the year 2019 was approximately 14.42 dollars

The Average fare for each passenger in a New York Cab in the year 2018 was approximately 13.42 dollars

The Average fare for each passenger in a New York Cab in the year 2017 was approximately 11.79 dollars

Covid drasticlly reduced the Number of passengers using the Nwe York City Cabs especially in the year 2020.

The year 2020 had the lowest tun out of passengers

The year 2017 had the hihgest turn out of passengers

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