Brazil world cup history

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Brazil world cup history

About this project

My goal was to summarize the history of the Brazil world cup team and illustrate why despite being the most successful team in world cup history, they should have achieved more due to the plethora of talent they have.

Key insights:-

  1. Brazil are by far the best team overall(both world cups and other internationals) according to many metrics including goals scored, countries of origin for ballon d'or winners, world cup wins, win% and matches won.
  2. Brazil have been expected to win the world cup in 12 of the previous 21 editions. However, from the 7-1 humiliation by Germany on home soil to the Maracanazo to the convulsive fit Ronaldo Nazario suffered right before the '98 final, this is nowhere near their full potential as a footballing juggernaut in my humble opinion which is very scary.

Preview and raw data sources, clean data and code viewable on Github:- https://lnkd.in/gzMfT9zm Data visualization and final dashboard viewable at Tableau public:- https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/anish.mitra6515/viz/finalbrazilwcdashboard/Dashboard1

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