Bike Share Customer Analysis

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Bike Share Customer Analysis


About this project

I completed this case study for the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate capstone project. To organize the project, I followed the six phases of the data analysis process. Below are the highlights of the business questions and recommendations; to see my full analysis, please visit my GitHub respository.

Business Task

Cyclistic, a bike share company in Chicago, wants to increase its number of annual memberships. The marketing team seeks to understand how casual riders and riders with annual memberships use Cyclistic bikes differently. These insights will enable the team to devise a new marketing strategy to convert casual riders to annual members, as the company’s finance analysts have determined that annual members are more profitable than casual riders.

Cyclistic customers who purchase a single ride pass or full-day pass are categorized as casual riders, and customers who purchase an annual pass are annual members.

This analysis includes bike trip data from January 2021 through December 2021.


Based on my analysis, these are my top recommendations for Cyclistic:

  • The data shows that casual riders log the most trips on the weekends. Based on this information, I recommend Cyclistic consider creating membership categories for weekends only. The weekends-only category would be a type of annual membership that includes trips only on weekends. Since weekends-only members may also occasionally want to rent a bike during a weekday, Cyclistic can offer a discounted rate for weekday trips to make this membership option even more attractive.
  • Casual riders log the most trips during the summer months of June, July, and August. Offering discounted rates for annual memberships or other incentives during June through August may reach a wider range of casual riders and convince them to purchase an annual membership. Alternatively, Cyclistic may consider creating a "summer months" membership category to cater to the casual riders who make the most use of Cyclistic bicycles during the summer.
  • Casual riders consistently log longer trips than annual members. Assuming that a trip that is longer in duration is also likely to be longer in distance (this would need to be verified with additional data), Cyclistic can create a fun "distance challenge" for casual members to participate in, inviting people to log miles ridden on Cyclistic bikes over a certain period of time. Cyclistic can create "prizes" for participants, such as discounts on the first year of an annual membership.
  • Finally, if Cyclistic is able to obtain an email address or phone number from casual riders when they purchase a single-ride or all-day pass, they should consider surveying casual riders to gather more information about how and why they use Cyclistic bikes. The survey results will likely provide additional insight into how Cyclistic can tailor their membership options to attract more annual members.

Note: Cyclistic is a fictional company.

View my dashboard on Tableau Public here.

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