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HCAHPS Patient Survey

HCAHPS Patient Survey - Power BI Dashboard

About this project

The dashboard features a clean and intuitive design that allows users to quickly gain insights from the data. In the center of the dashboard, there is a visually appealing map that serves as the focal point. This map provides a geographic representation of the survey responses and helps users identify trends and patterns across different regions.

Surrounding the map, there are four visuals strategically placed to provide key metrics and summaries. These visuals are designed as cards, making them easily distinguishable from the rest of the dashboard elements. Each card focuses on specific aspects of the survey data.

  1. Response Rates Card: This card presents the response rates for the HCAHPS Patient Survey. It displays the overall response rate as well as any relevant subcategories that may be applicable. The card may include charts or gauges to visualize the response rates and highlight any significant variations.
  2. Number of Hospitals Card: This card showcases the total number of hospitals included in the survey. It provides a count or a numerical representation, indicating the extent of hospital participation. This information helps to understand the sample size and the breadth of data being analyzed.
  3. Average Completed Surveys Card: This card highlights the average number of completed surveys per hospital. It offers an insight into the level of patient engagement and the quality of the data collected. The card might include a metric value accompanied by a trend chart or sparkline to show the historical variation of completed surveys.
  4. Additional Insights Card: This card serves as a dedicated section to present any noteworthy findings or additional insights derived from the survey data. It can be a text-based summary or a set of bullet points highlighting interesting patterns, correlations, or outliers within the dataset.

Overall, the dashboard effectively leverages visualizations, such as the central map and the surrounding cards, to provide a comprehensive overview of the HCAHPS Patient Survey data. This design enables users to quickly grasp the response rates, hospital count, average completed surveys, and other critical insights.

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