Tata Online Retail Sales Analysis

Tools used in this project
Tata Online Retail Sales Analysis


About this project

During the Tata Visualization: Empowering the Business virtual internship on Forage, I delved into the world of data visualization to empower businesses with actionable insights. The internship provided hands-on experience with renowned tools like Power BI and Tableau, allowing me to transform complex data into compelling visualizations.

Throughout the program, I tackled real-world challenges faced by Tata, a major multinational company in India, and presented data-driven solutions using captivating visuals. This experience sharpened my analytical skills and storytelling abilities, enabling me to craft narratives that resonated with stakeholders and drove strategic decision-making.

By the end of the internship, I felt a sense of pride in contributing to Tata's success and gaining valuable experience in data visualization. This project now serves as a testament to my proficiency in data analytics and my ability to make a meaningful impact in the business world.

I have also prepared a video presentation showcasing the key highlights and insights from this project. If you would like to view the presentation, you can access it through the following link: [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/vishaldubeydataanalyst_tata-virtual-internship-certificate-activity-7051807723012689921-zyRz?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop]

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