Tools used in this project
Telangana Growth Analysis

PowerBI Report

About this project

Project Overview:

Imagine me, working alone, helping a state get better using data! Telangana, a state that wants to be open and smart, joined forces with the CodeBasics team to make this happen.


My mission was simple: I wanted to use numbers and facts to make Telangana a better place to live and work. I looked at things like how people buy vehicles, what the government earns from papers, and where people invest their money.

Important Things I Found:

More Places to Make Money: I saw that most money comes from a few big cities. That's good, but it's also risky. So, I suggested finding new places to make money.

Helping Small Places Grow: I found small cities that are doing well. I said, "Let's help them grow even more." I want to give them new jobs and teach new things.

The Best Month for Buying Cars: Did you know October is the best time to buy a car? I said, "Let's make it even better." I want to give people cool deals and new cars.

Fixing Places Where Fewer Cars Are Sold: Some places aren't selling many cars. I want to know why and make it better. I'm making a special team to do this.

Electric Cars are Cool: I also saw more people are buying electric cars. That's good for the Earth! I want even more people to buy them. So, I'm giving cool rewards and building places to charge them up.

What I Hope to Do:

My ideas will help Telangana grow and be a great place for everyone. I want to make sure more places make money, help small cities become big, sell lots of cars in October, and make electric cars popular.

I want to say thanks to the CodeBasics team for provide this challenge and to the Telangana government for sharing their data.

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