Project ChaseGrowth: Igniting Account Performance at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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Project ChaseGrowth: Igniting Account Performance at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

About this project


This initiative aims to uncover and harness the power of marketing engagement to fuel account growth within the firm. Through a deep dive into performance data, we've noticed a compelling trend: accounts with a 5-year CAGR exceeding 100% demonstrate significantly higher engagement in our marketing programs compared to those that don't reach this benchmark.

This observation propels us to ask: Can we boost the growth of lower-performing accounts by enhancing their marketing engagement? To answer this, we're embarking on a multi-step journey. First, we'll investigate the characteristics and behaviors of underperforming accounts.

Next, we'll develop and test tailored marketing strategies aimed at increasing their engagement. Concurrently, we'll analyze high-performing accounts to glean insights and successful tactics that can be applied elsewhere.

Throughout the process, continuous monitoring and evaluation will guide our strategy iterations and adaptations. With the project, we aim to translate data-driven insights into actionable strategies that not only elevate marketing engagement but also catalyze overall account performance at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Data Cleaning

undefinedIn the process of preparing our data for thorough analysis, I implemented several crucial data-cleaning steps using Excel. This involved the strategic use of conditional formatting and the Text to Columns feature to ensure the integrity and readability of our dataset.

Furthermore, I introduced additional rows to clearly distinguish accounts based on their 5-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) performance. This benchmark allows us to readily identify and focus on high-performing accounts, providing valuable context for our analysis.

I also reformatted the sales years' data to ensure consistency and ease of understanding. These changes aim to streamline our analytical process, improving the accuracy of our insights and the efficiency of our decision-making.


undefinedBy leveraging our dashboard's city filter functionality, we can tailor our view for specific comparative analysis between selected cities. In our line chart located at the bottom left, it's clear that the Bronx stands out with the highest growth rate, outperforming both New York City and Brooklyn.

Furthermore, our dashboard also provides the ability to filter based on whether an account achieves a 5-Year CAGR of 100% or more. This powerful feature offers insights segmented by account type, city, and engagement in marketing programs. As an illustration, when we apply this filter, we find that New York City stands out with the highest number of accounts - a total of five - that have surpassed the 100% 5-Year CAGR mark. Delving deeper into the marketing engagement of these high-performing accounts, we observe that the Catalog Inclusion marketing program boasts a remarkable engagement rate of 91%, closely followed by social media at 82%.

On the other hand, when we shift our focus to accounts that have not achieved a 5-Year CAGR of 100%, we observe a notable decrease in marketing engagement. Specifically, engagement drops to 67% for the Catalog Inclusion program and falls dramatically to 31% for social media.

In conclusion, our analysis has shed light on significant trends and patterns within our account performance and marketing engagement. We've identified key areas of strength, such as the high growth rates in the Bronx and the concentration of accounts with a 5-Year CAGR above 100% in New York City. We've also noted the effectiveness of our Catalog Inclusion and Social Media marketing programs, particularly among high-performing accounts.

undefinedOur data reveals a distinct trend: accounts with lower 5-year CAGR, or those not reaching the 100% growth benchmark, demonstrate significantly lower engagement rates in our marketing programs compared to high-performing accounts.

This trend suggests that marketing engagement may play a key role in account performance. It also indicates a potential area for improvement - by boosting marketing engagement among lower-performing accounts, we may be able to enhance their growth rate.

Next Steps

Deep Dive into Underperforming Accounts: Understand characteristics and behaviors driving lower engagement.

Tailor Marketing Strategies: Develop and implement targeted strategies to boost engagement among lower-performing accounts.

Leverage High-Performing Account Insights: Identify successful tactics from high performers and apply to lower-performing accounts.

Monitor and Iterate: Continuously track performance and engagement, evaluate strategy effectiveness, and adapt as needed.

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