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HR analysis of client

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The insight from the dashboard

  • The company has 22.2 thousand staff from 2000 to 2020. Of these, 11.3 thousand are male, 10.3 thousand are female, and 605 did not specify their gender.
  • The company has grown significantly since its inception in 2000 when it had only 33 staff. The growth rate has been steady over the years, with a few fluctuations depending on the market conditions and the demand for the company's products and services.
  • The Engineering department has the highest number of staff with 6686 staff, followed by the Accounting department with 3333 staff, and the Sales department with 1832 staff. The Auditing department has the lowest number of staff with 52 staff, followed by the Legal department with 311 staff, and the Marketing department with 494 staff.
  • The employee race distribution shows that there are 6.3 thousand white staff, which is the highest number of staff among all races. The other races are Two or more races (3.6thousand), Black or African American (3.6 thousand), Asian (3.6 thousand), Hispanic or Latino (2.5 thousand), American Indian or Alaska Native (1.3 thousand), and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (1.2 thousand).
  • The turnover rate of the company is 18%, which means that 3.9 thousand staff have left the company in the past ten years. The highest turnover rate is among white staff, who account for 1114 of the leavers, followed by Two or more races staff (659), Black or African American staff (636), Asian staff (626), Hispanic or Latino staff (427), Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander staff (238), and American Indian or Alaska Native staff (229).
  • The company has a shortage of staff in some key areas, such as Sales, Marketing, and legal. The current number of staff in these departments is not enough to meet the growing demand for the company's products and services. The company needs to hire more qualified and experienced staff in these areas to maintain its competitive edge and customer satisfaction.


  • The company should continue to promote diversity and inclusion in its workforce, as well as provide equal opportunities for all staff regardless of their gender, race, or other characteristics. The company should also monitor and address any issues of discrimination, harassment, or bias that may arise in the workplace.
  • The company should implement effective retention strategies to reduce the turnover rate and retain its valuable staff. Some possible strategies include providing competitive compensation and benefits, offering career development and training opportunities, recognizing and rewarding performance and achievements, creating a positive work culture and environment, and soliciting feedback and suggestions from staff.
  • The company should conduct a comprehensive recruitment plan to fill the gaps in its workforce, especially in the Sales, Marketing, and legal departments. The recruitment plan should include defining the job requirements and qualifications, sourcing and screening candidates from various channels, conducting interviews and assessments, making offers and negotiating terms, and onboarding and orienting new hires.


This report has provided a detailed analysis of the company's workforce, including its size, composition, distribution, and turnover. The report has also identified some areas of improvement and suggested some recommendations for action. By following these recommendations, the company can enhance its human resources management and achieve its organizational goals.

for more: https://github.com/Star-cj/hr_analysis.git

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