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Amazon Sales Report

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Data source: Amazon Products Sales Dataset 2023 (kaggle.com)

The following insights are based on the key performance indicators (KPIs) of total amount and total quantity sold for the period from March 31st to June 26th, 2022. The total amount is 78.59 million and the total quantity sold is 117,000.

  • May was the best month in terms of sales per day, with a peak of over 1.2 million on May 4th. This was higher than the peak sales of 1.1 million on April 14th and 989,000 on June 5th.

  • The average sales per day in May was 837,000, which was 18% higher than the average sales per day in April (709,000) and 24% higher than the average sales per day in June (674,000).

  • The total amount and total quantity sold in May were 25.9 million and 38,000 respectively, which were both the highest among the three months. The total amount and total quantity sold in April were 21.3 million and 32,000 respectively, and the total amount and total quantity sold in June were 20.2 million and 31,000 respectively.

  • The dashboard shows that the total value of items cancelled in the last four months was $7 million, which is about 9% of the total value of items shipped in the same period, which was $71 million. The value of pending items was only $622 thousand, which is less than 1% of the shipped items value. This indicates that the demand for the products is high and the supply chain is efficient, but there is also a significant amount of customer dissatisfaction that leads to cancellations.

  • The courier service has shipped items worth 71.1 million, which is 90.5% of the total amount. The unshipped items are worth 4.3 million, which is 5.5% of the total amount. The uncertain items are worth 3.2 million, which is 4.1% of the total amount. The uncertain items are those that have not been confirmed as shipped or unshipped by the courier service.

  • Amazon has fulfilled 69% of the items sold, which is worth 54.3 million. The merchant has fulfilled 31% of the items sold, which is worth 24.3 million. The fulfillment method refers to who is responsible for storing, packing, and shipping the items to the customers.

  • The expedited shipping channel accounted for 69% of the items sold, which is worth 54.3 million. The standard shipping channel has accounted for 31% of the items sold, which is worth 24.3 million. The shipping channel refers to the speed and cost of the delivery service.

  • The category with the highest sales amount was people, who sold items worth 39.2 million, which is 49.9% of the total amount. The category with the second highest sales amount was kurta, which sold items worth 21.3 million, which is 27.1% of the total amount. The category with the lowest sales amount was dupatta, which sold items worth only 915, which is 0.001% of the total amount. The category with the second lowest sales amount was seree, which sold items worth 124,000, which is 0.2% of the total amount.

  • The size with the most orders by amount was M, which sold items worth 20.4 million, which is 26% of the total amount. The size with the second most orders by amount was L, which sold items worth 20 million, which is 25.5% of the total amount. The size with the third most orders by amount was XL, which sold items worth 18.9 million, which is 24.1% of the total amount. The size with the least orders by amount was Free, which sold items worth only 366, which is 0.0005% of the total amount. The size with the second least orders by amount was 4XL, which sold items worth only 398, which is 0.0005% of the total amount.

  • The status of the items indicates whether they have been shipped, cancelled, or pending. The majority of the items (80%) have been shipped, with a total amount of 60 million. The second most common status is cancelled, which accounts for 15% of the items, with a total amount of 12 million. The least common status is pending, which accounts for 5% of the items, with a total amount of 4 million.

  • The sales trend shows that the most sales occurred in the second quarter of the year, with a peak of 25.9 million in May. The first quarter had the lowest sales, with only 2.1 million in March. The third and fourth quarters had no sales at all.

Some recommendations based on these insights are:

  • Analyze the factors that contributed to the high sales in May, such as marketing campaigns, product features, customer preferences, seasonal trends, etc. and try to replicate or enhance them in the future months.

  • Identify the reasons for the decline in sales in June, such as competition, customer feedback, product quality, supply chain issues, etc. and try to address or mitigate them as soon as possible.

  • Monitor the sales performance in the upcoming months and compare them with the previous months to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken and make adjustments if needed.

  • Investigate the reasons for the high percentage of uncertain items and try to reduce it by improving the communication and tracking system with the courier service.

  • Evaluate the profitability and customer satisfaction of the different fulfillment methods and shipping channels and optimize the pricing and inventory strategies accordingly.

  • Monitor the delivery performance and customer feedback of the courier service and the fulfillment methods and shipping channels and make adjustments if needed.

  • Focus on the categories and sizes that have high demand and profitability, such as people, kurta, M, and L, and try to increase their variety, quality, and availability.

  • Analyze the factors that affect the low sales of the categories and sizes that have low demand and profitability, such as dupatta, seree, Free, and 4XL, and try to improve their appeal, promotion, and pricing.

  • Monitor the sales trends and customer preferences of the different categories and sizes and make adjustments if needed.

  • Optimize the pricing strategy by analyzing the demand, supply, and profitability of the different price ranges. Consider offering discounts, bundles, or incentives for the items that have low demand or high supply. Consider raising the prices or limiting the availability of the items that have high demand or low supply.

  • Reduce the cancellation and pending rates by improving communication, delivery, and refund policies with the customers. Try to resolve any issues or disputes that may cause the customers to cancel or delay their orders. Provide clear and accurate information about the status and tracking of the orders.

  • Increase the sales in the first, third, and fourth quarters by implementing effective marketing campaigns, product launches, or seasonal promotions. Try to attract new customers or retain existing customers by offering them value, variety, and convenience.

  • Analyze the reasons for cancellations and identify the most common ones. For example, if customers cancel due to long delivery times, late notifications, or damaged products, then these issues need to be addressed urgently.

  • Improve the customer service and communication channels. For example, provide clear and accurate information about the product features, availability, and delivery status. Offer flexible and convenient options for returns, exchanges, and refunds. Respond to customer queries and complaints promptly and courteously.

  • Enhance the customer loyalty and retention programs. For example, offer incentives and rewards for repeat purchases, referrals, and feedback. Provide personalized recommendations and offers based on customer preferences and behavior. Create a sense of community and engagement among the customers through social media, newsletters, and events.

For more: GitHub - Star-cj/amazon-store: Analysing amazon store sells

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