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Business Analysis of Client

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Insights we can gain from the dashboard

  • The total sales for June and July 2020 were $98.2 thousand, with a total profit of $15.2 thousand and an average discount of 15.7%. The total quantity of products sold was 1771.

  • The highest sales in each month were achieved by the phone sub-category in July ($9.1 thousand) and the chairs sub-category in June ($8.5 thousand).

  • The peak sales days in each month were July 3rd ($6.9 thousand) and June 1st ($5 thousand).

  • The west region was the most profitable and the most sales-oriented region in both months.

  • The technology category was the most popular and the most profitable category, with total sales of $40.2 thousand and a total profit of $13.4 thousand.

  • The top customer in terms of profit was Steven Roelle, for whom the company made a profit of $1676. The top customer in terms of quantity sold was Chris Cortes, who bought 58 products. The top customer in terms of sales was also Steven Roelle, who spent $10.4 thousand.

  • The majority of the customers were located in the United States, with very few customers in Europe.

  • The most profitable city was New York City, with a total profit of $2.3 thousand.

  • The most profitable product was Hewlett-Packard Desktjet 6988DT Refurbished Printer, which generated $1.3 thousand in profit. The most sold product was Nortel Networks T7316E Nt8 B27, which sold 25 units.

  • The average discount rate of 15.7% is relatively high, which may indicate that they are offering too many discounts or that their products are overpriced. They may need to review their pricing and discount policies to ensure that they are maximizing their profit margins and not losing customers to competitors.

  • The sales and profit distribution by region shows that the east and central regions are underperforming compared to the west region, which may imply that there are regional differences in customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. They may need to conduct more market research and segmentation in these regions and tailor their products and marketing campaigns to suit local demands and expectations.


Based on the analysis, I recommend the following actions to optimize their sales, profit, and discount strategies:

  • Increase the promotion and marketing of the phone and chairs sub-categories, as they have shown high demand and potential for growth.

  • Identify the factors that contributed to the peak sales days in each month, and replicate them on other days to boost sales performance.

  • Expand their presence and reach in the West region, as it has proven to be a lucrative and loyal market for their products.

  • Focus on selling more technology products, as they have higher margins and customer satisfaction.

  • Reward and retain their top customers, such as Steven Roelle and Chris Cortes, by offering them personalized discounts, loyalty programs, and after-sales services.

  • Explore new opportunities and partnerships in Europe, as it is an untapped market with potential for growth.

  • Invest more resources and efforts in New York City, as it is a profitable and competitive city for their business.

  • Increase the inventory and availability of the Hewlett-Packard Desktjet 6988DT Refurbished Printer and the Nortel Networks T7316E Nt8 B27, as they are popular and profitable products among our customers.

  • They should increase the promotion and marketing of the phone and chairs sub-categories, as they have shown high demand and potential for growth in both months.

  • They should identify the factors that contributed to the peak sales days in each month, and replicate them in other days to boost sales performance.


This report has provided an overview of the trends and patterns of our products, customers,, and regions in June and July 2020, and has suggested some recommendations on how to optimize our sales, profit and discount strategies. By implementing these recommendations, we can improve our business performance and achieve our goals.

for more visit: https://github.com/Star-cj/business_analysis.git

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