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Exploring IMDB database with SQL

About this project

Link to project: https://github.com/abhinavg1309/SQL-Projects/blob/main/IMDB%20Project


Objective: In this project, we will use Structured Query Language (SQL) to analyze the IMDb movie database, which contains information about movies and their directors. We will use SQL commands, including joins and aggregate functions, to answer various questions about the data.

Data: The IMDb database consists of two tables: "movies" and "directors." The "movies" table includes columns for the movie title, year of release, and various other details such as the revenue, budget, popularity, and IMDb rating. The "directors" table contains information about the directors of the movies, including their name, gender, and birth year.

Methods: We will use SQL to retrieve and manipulate data from the IMDb database. We will use various SQL commands, such as SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and JOIN, to retrieve specific data from the tables. We will also use aggregate functions such as COUNT, SUM, and AVG to perform statistical analysis on the data.

Questions: Here are some examples of the types of questions we can answer using SQL and the IMDb database:

What are the top 10 movies in revenue? Who directed the top 10 movies in revenue?

Which directors have generated the most revenue?

What franchise had higher review ratings: Pirates of the Caribbean or Harry Potter?

Which Director had the highest average of IMDb review score across their movies (min 10)?

Who directed movies in the Halloween franchise?

By using SQL to analyze the IMDb database, we will be able to gain insights into the movie industry and identify trends and patterns in the data. We will be able to answer a variety of questions about the movies and directors in the database and draw conclusions based on the results of our analysis.

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