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2023 World Population Analysis

About this project


In this report, I analyzed the current and projected population of the world and its countries, using data from the United Nations. I also explored the population growth rate, the most and least populous countries, and population distribution by continent. The main findings are:

  • The world population as of June 2023 is estimated at 8.05 billion, with 199 countries recognized by the UN.
  • The world population grew by 0.88 percent from June 2022 to June 2023, adding about 70 million people.
  • India surpassed China as the most populous country in the world, with 1.428 billion people, followed by China with 1.425 billion. The United States is the third most populous country, with 333 million people. Nigeria ranks sixth, with 219 million people.
  • India also had the highest population growth in absolute terms, adding more than 10 million people in one year. Nigeria was second, with more than 5 million people added. The top five countries with the highest population growth were all from Africa or Asia.
  • Europe had a negative population growth rate, losing about 1.3 million people in one year. The countries with the lowest population growth were mostly from Europe or Eastern Europe, with Ukraine having the largest population decline of about 3 million people. Russia was third, with a loss of about 270,000 people.
  • Asia is the most populous continent, with 4.75 billion people, accounting for almost 60 percent of the world population. Oceania is the least populous continent, with only 50 million people, or less than one percent of the world's population.


The findings of this report have some implications for policy and planning. For example:

  • Europe may need to adopt measures to encourage population growth, such as promoting family-friendly policies, immigration, and social integration.

  • Countries like India and Nigeria may need to address the challenges of overpopulation, such as environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and social inequality.

  • The war in Ukraine and the political instability in Russia may have contributed to their population decline, which could affect their economic and security prospects.

  • China's policy to limit its population growth may have effectively reduced its demographic pressure and improved its living standards.

Data Preparation

Here are some steps taken to prepare this dashboard:

  1. Scraping the data directly to Power BI.
  2. In the Power Query Editor, remove any duplicate records by selecting the columns and clicking Remove Rows > Remove Duplicates. Check the table header to see if there are any errors.
  3. Click Close & Apply to load the data into the Power BI model.
  4. In the Power BI DAX to create some measures that are important for my dashboard.
  5. In the Report view, create some charts to visualize the World population by dragging and dropping the fields from the Fields pane to the Canvas or the Visualizations pane. I also use the formatting options to customize the appearance of the charts to my taste.
  6. Save and export the report in PDF format.

Data Sources

The data for this report was obtained from the following web page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_(United_Nations), which provides the UN estimates of the world and country populations for June 2022 and June 2023. I used Power BI to perform some calculations and create a dashboard to visualize the data.

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