Northwind Traders Dashboard

About this project

This Dashboard gives overall insights into Northwind Traders' Sales, Products, Customers, and Shipping Details.

Data was imported as Excel files into Power BI and a Star Schema was created with order details as the Fact Table and others as the dimension tables.

Countries were grouped into regions (APAC, EMEA, LATAM, NA) to better understand the trading across regions.

  • Customer Company
    • Analysing Customers based on their orders, the number of products ordered, net and Gross Sales, and Sales diff from LY along with Freight cost.
    • Treemap shows the distribution of Product categories across Year, Region, and Country
    • A details table with Product category and the corresponding products ordered in response to all filters
  • Employees
    • Although importance was not provided for employee data, a small analysis was made.
    • A summary table of employees corresponding to the order undertaken, customers handled, and their contribution to the Sales of those orders
    • A Map visual was added, so the employees' contribution to different countries can be viewed.
  • Shipping
    • How was the shipping distributed across the 3 shipping Companies?
    • Delays by Shipping Companies
    • Product categories and their Shipment delays
    • Customer Distribution by the orders placed and freight cost.

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