Northwind Traders Executive Dashboard

Tools used in this project
Northwind Traders Executive Dashboard

About this project

The goal of this project was to take several CSV files and develop a KPI centric dashboard for executives to understand the company’s best and worst areas. The orders and shippers tables were used to determine if shipments were delivered late and by which shipping service. The order details, products and product category tables were used to determine sales information such as most profitable product, most sales by category or total sales including discount rates. The customers and employees tables were used in addition to sales information to determine best customers and highest performing employee.

Over the few years of data, year 2014 was the most profitable with more than $425,000 in total net. The top customer over the same time period was QUICK-Stop and the best-selling product was Cute de Blaye. Margaret Peacock generated the most revenue and the beverages category did the best. Federal shipping delivered packages on time the most at 94% and Speedy Express cost the least on shipping at an average of $65 per order.

Tableau Dashboard: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/marcus.ogata/viz/NorthwindTradersDashboardWeb/ExecutiveDashboard

MySQL Code: https://github.com/mogata94/Projects/blob/main/Northwind%20Traders.sql

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