Tools used in this project
Maven Airlines Satisfaction

About this project

Customer satisfaction data was collected from over 120,000+ airline passengers. About 56% of all passengers of the airline were satisfied and the other 43% was dissatisfied or neutral. Over 80% of the passengers were returning and over 69% were traveling for business. The majority of returning passengers are neutral or dissatisfied with their experience overall and over 49% of returning passengers were in the business class. The longer the flight distance or departure delay the less likely a customer will be satisfied. In flight service, baggage handling and seat comfort were scored the highest on average of all the categories scored. Gate location, ease of online booking and in flight wifi scored the lowest average of all categories scored.

Tableau link: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/marcus.ogata/viz/AirlineSatisfaction_16788570702840/Dashboard

MySQL code: https://github.com/mogata94/projects/blob/main/Airline%20Passenger%20Satisfaction.sql

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