Birds eye view on Northwind Traders

Birds eye view on Northwind Traders

Nothwind Traders KPI Performance

About this project

As summarized above this analysis dashboard is based on Northwind Traders Sales Data

Out of 830 orders , 77 products , 91 customers processed by 9 employees of Northwind traders are summarized in this dashboard.

This dashboard was created using Power BI (DAX and Power Query transformations) with a custom filter pane to enhance ability to deep diving in to Northwind data

  1. Sales Orders Trend Analysis : It was clearly visible that orders had a clear increasing trend over the years (last month decrement was due to lack of data)
  2. Customer wise and Sales/Freight/Discount Summary : Quick-stop is the highest sales bought customer with $117k + sales
  3. Product summary : It was clear that highest quantity was sold in Camembert product ($50k + sales) while highest priced product was Cote de Blaye ($149k + sales)
  4. Employee wise performance : Best/ Most orders processed employee is Andrew Fuller with 96 orders and $177k + sales)
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