Boston Metro Public Service Salaries, Example of a Tableau Project

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Boston Metro Public Service Salaries, Example of  a Tableau Project

About this project

Boston is a city of approximately 4M residents that appears to be returning to the pre-pandemic population growth of 0.4% annually (as of 2022).

The goals were to:

  1. Analyze and identify key trends, outliers and points of interest in the salary data set
  2. Provide a flexible analytical platform for readers who want high-level metric trends and a place to answer ad-hoc queries.

Analysis was focused on sector and salary trends, focusing on the year 2020.

The Greater Boston Public Service includes 15 unique sectors, 295 departments, over 225K employees, and over 2K job titles.


Over the ten-year period from 2013-2022, the median salary has increased by 28%, with the largest YoY percent increase in 2020 at the start of the COVID pandemic.


respectively years

Over 50% of employees worked in the Education Sector, year over year.


While over 50% of employees worked in the Education Sector, was the

Employees in the Education Sector saw a 12% and 17% increase in the median salary in the 2019 and 2020, respectively, which was higher than the overall increase of 6.8% and 11.5% for all sectors.


The Arts and Culture Sector saw the highest decrease in median salary of over 36% in 2020, coming down from over a 200% increase in 2019 from the previous year.


Human Resources and Health and Human Services combined had the largest increase in salary of over 45% in 2020.


When we look at which public sector employees have the highest salary, the Public Safety Sector comes in the highest, with a median overall salary of nearly $150K, even though this sector makes up a little over 20% of the overall employees.

Additionally, the Public Safety Sector is the only sector where nearly half of the total salary comes from earnings other than regular base pay.



The Community Engagement and Support Sector is one of the newest Public Sectors. It was created in 2020, likely due to the community's needs during the Pandemic.


Drilling down into the Community Engagement and Support Sector, the Respite Care Companion role has a notable decline in salary after 2020.


Next steps:

Evaluate salary changes with respect to the number of employees. Is there a correlation between a decrease in salary with job losses in specific sectors during the pandemic? Does this hold true for sectors with the highest percent increase in salary?

Adding TOP N filters to view which titles/positions have the highest overall total salary, and which positions have the lowest to use to inform potential public sector employees of salaries for roles they are interested in.

Compare Boston Public salaries against other Sate Metropolitan Capital City's in the US to determine how Boston. Also, normalize salaries to the cost of living across each city.

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