Maven Analytics Northwind Traders Challenge

Tools used in this project
Maven Analytics Northwind Traders Challenge

Maven Northwind Traders Challenge Power BI Report

About this project

I took my time completing this one as I have used a lot of DAX measures and went next level with the creativity in visual cards showing KPIs.

So, there's total 3 slicers in my report..

  1. for Fiscal Year i.e. FY2014 and FY2015

  2. for Years

  3. for months

Now when you select a slicer, the Card visuals show the current values and previous values to that corresponding selected period. Lets say you select july2014 from months then cards will show jul2014 (current) values and Aug2014 (previous) values. Well, You might be thinking that there's nothing new in it, it's easy right?

But but, if you select year 2014 then same card will show year 2014 (current) and year 2013 (previous) values and so on...All in the same card visuals.

The card visuals are dynamically and hierarchaly changing.

What hierarchaly means here is, if you select multiple slicers e.g.

FY = FY2015, year = 2014, month = sep2014.... then card visuals will show you the values of sep2014(current) and aug2014(previous) cause hierarchaly month is selected.

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