FP20 Mobile Games Analysis Challenge Aug 2024

Tools used in this project
FP20 Mobile Games Analysis Challenge Aug 2024

Interactive Power BI Report :

About this project

A monthly Data Challenge organized by FP20 Analytics and ZoomCharts.

Dataset : App Store Mobile Games 2008 - 2019

Tools Used :

  • Power BI : for visualization
  • Figma : for wireframing, designing
  • Python : for cleaning
  • Excel : for quick data walkthrough/exploration

New Learning :

There were few columns in dataset for app URL links and Names containing encoded characters which are not human readable format. Used Python in Power Query to decode those URLs or to remove unicode characters from names.

Used Figma for the first time to create an aesthetic UI design for the dashboard.

Insights : below were answered using this data.

  • Most popular games based on user reviews.
  • Top earning games by revenue.
  • Paid and Free apps.
  • Top developers based on both reviews and revenues.
  • How ratings, revenue etc changed over the time period.
  • Avg app price correlated to avg app size.
  • etc... etc...

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