People Analytics Dashboard

Tools used in this project
People Analytics Dashboard

About this project

The HR manager needed a dashboard that could help track headcount, turnover rate and reasons why people leave the company.

The goal was to create a dashboard to help drive the conversation and answer these questions:

  1. What was the headcount this year by gender, age group, work location and department?
  2. What was the turnover rate during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  3. Which city had the highest turnover rate?
  4. What were the top reasons why employees left in this city?

Key Insights

  • The turnover rate grew from 1.84% in 2019 to 4.25% in 2021. This seems to have happened around the same time cases of the COVID-19 virus also rose.
  • In 2021, the female headcount in New York was higher than that of males 2021(Males - 49.64%, Females - 50.36%) compared to other cities. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, t*here are more women than men in New York. There are 583,705 more women than men in the state, which is 2.96% of the total population.
  • Washington DC turnover rate (7.59%) was higher than the overall turnover (4.25%). The most affected age group was 30-44 years. Of the 75% that left voluntarily in this city, the two main reasons were: better opportunity and better salary.


The company seems to have been ahead of most companies since 80.43% of its workforce works remotely. Carry out a survey to understand how the priorities of its workforce have change post-COVID19.

  • Consider offering a competitive compensation package. Based on feedback improve on existing benefits that are most important to employees.
  • Focus on recruiting and retaining female talent in areas with a low number of female employees. Carry out a pay equity audit and implement policies that promote equal pay for equal work. You could also ensure a culture that supports women's career advancement in areas of leadership and training and development.

Users are able to filter the dashboard by city, year and sub-department.

DATA SOURCE: created by Steven Shoemaker

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Raw Data
Data Prep (Power Query)
Turnover Rate Increase
Female Headcount High in New York
Washington DC Leavers
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