SQL aggregate information from the "DimCustome" Customer table

SQL aggregate information from the "DimCustome" Customer table

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The SQL query provided above retrieves aggregate information from the "DimCustomer" table. Here's a breakdown of the query:

SELECT: This clause specifies the columns or expressions to be included in the result set.

COUNT() AS TotalCustomers: This calculates the total number of rows in the "DimCustomer" table and renames it as "TotalCustomers" in the result set. The asterisk () represents all columns in the table for counting purposes.

AVG(YearlyIncome) AS AverageIncome: This calculates the average value of the "YearlyIncome" column in the "DimCustomer" table and renames it as "AverageIncome" in the result set. It computes the average by summing up all the values in the "YearlyIncome" column and dividing it by the total number of rows.

FROM DimCustomer: This specifies that the data should be retrieved from the "DimCustomer" table.

In summary, this query retrieves two pieces of information from the "DimCustomer" table: the total number of customers (rows) in the table, and the average value of the "YearlyIncome" column. The result set will have two columns named "TotalCustomers" and "AverageIncome" respectively

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