Excel Dashboard - Energy Baseload Tracker

Tools used in this project
Excel Dashboard - Energy Baseload Tracker

About this project

Create high level dashboards to provide stakeholders easy access to review their department's Energy Baseload Usage during non-operational hours by weekly or daily intervals to aid in Saving Energy.

The Data

The original datasets are downloaded in CSV from the energy supplier's website, updated weekly. Data had to be cleaned, analysed and removal of the data during operational hours as its not in scope.

The Visuals

Keeping the visuals as clean but eye catchy as possible and containing all the required information required, was done by using a combinations of Bar, Column & Line Charts to really highlight the usages.

If you're a Maven Fan you may well recognise the design format that was used 😎

The Outcome

Keeping it simple By creating these dashboards, smart yet simple and super user friendly... This proved to be an highly effective tool of tracking energy usage for company X, per department and across the company. Providing the data clearly to indicate the highest energy consumer or biggest saver during non operational hours. This resulting in a drive to reduce the company energy usages whist providing the company financial savings.


[This dashboard has been anonymised and data has been replaced with randomised data specially for demo use]

Additional project images

Energy Baseload Daily
Energy Baseload Summary Year to Date
Energy Baseload Data (Cleaned)
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