John's Finance Dashboard

John's Finance Dashboard

About this project

This is John's Finance report. In this report I used several KPIs as Income, expenses %, saving %, net worth general. I used YOY and MOM Slicers to filter out data of report as per month & year. I used bar charts for showing How do John spend and How do John save, used line chart for showing spend/save according to what he earns and represented what is ideal amount for saving by line chart. At last used matrix for detailed statement of income, saving and expenses.

Approach -

I load the data in Power query and cleaned the data there and the load the data in Power BI and did data modelling by creating relationship between tables and using DAX after that created appropriate visualization that made data to interact with anybody.

Special Feature Used -

I used tool tip to give all insights about data so that anyone can understand what is trying to explain.

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