Interactive Dashboard in Qlik sense - Parental Leave Analysis

Interactive Dashboard in Qlik sense - Parental Leave Analysis

Interactive Dashboard in Qliksense - Parental Leave Analysis

About this project

When I started building the dashboard in Qlik, I wanted to push myself to write more complex chart expressions and focus on heavy usage of variables to showcase my ability to build a dynamic dashboard. This is just from a technical perspective.

When I read about the Maven challenge, I was quite eager to explore this dataset and present my analysis with appropriate KPIs and visuals.

As I am currently focusing on building my portfolio in Qliksense, I uploaded this data to Qlik SaaS and started my analysis.

The goal for my project was to understand how fairly new parents are treated across various industries and, of course, the parity between Mat and Pat leaves.

As a woman working in tech, I wanted to know where my respective industry stands and which companies in this space offer the best benefits.

Here are some quick stats about Mat LWP, the snippet is grabbed from my dashboard.


Though the Global Avg Mat leave is 10.9 weeks, only 50% of the total 1601 companies don't match this number.

The most shocking fact is 53 companies still don't give any maternal leave.

Pat LWP:,


Unfortunately, we have Pat leave data for only 289 companies, but still, 11.07% don't provide any leave to new male parents.

Tech Industry:

Now coming to the Tech industry:


Out of 327 companies, 31 companies provide equal Mat and Pat paid leaves!

However, 61.47% of companies don't live up to the industry average of 13 weeks.

Parenthood is tough! There are selective few employee-friendly companies that understand the need for a longer parental break, but there's still a lot of room for improvement.

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