Paternity Leave Dashboard (Tableau and Excel)

Tools used in this project
Paternity Leave Dashboard (Tableau and Excel)

Bullhorn Parental Leave Analysis

About this project

I took the position as being a Data Analyst at one of the participants in the survey, Bullhorn. I chose Bullhorn, an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), because I felt this was related to my current job as a Recruiter.

Business Problem

The approach I took to this was imagining the company was having trouble keeping younger employees, and wanted to analyze the results of this survey to see if they can make themselves as a supportive employer for young professionals to start families.


  • Compare Bullhorn's current paid parental leave policies against all companies who fully participated in the study
  • Analyze the most represented industries to see how Bullhorn compares
  • Drill into the sub-industries to find how Bullhorn matches up to others in the Software sub-industry


Bullhorn does not carry strong parental leave policies for their employees. In this dashboard, you can see where the company falls against its peers in the study. With 3 weeks of paid maternity leave, and 0 for paternity leave, there is lots of room for improvement. The specified industries with the highest paid maternity leave policies on average were Philanthropy and Conglomerate, but the highest numbers went to the group which was N/A. Philanthropy also had the highest paid paternity leave by a large margin.

The Software sub-industry of Technology averages 12.67 weeks of paid maternity leave compared to Bullhorn's 3. It even boasts an average of 9.24 weeks of paid paternity leave against 0 for Bullhorn.


If retaining employees has been difficult and the company's parental leave policies had been stated before in exit interviews, there are means for change. To start, I recommend the company look at the Software sub-industry and at the least, consider starting just above average. This could be 13 to 15 weeks paid maternity and paternity leave. This could help current and prospective employees understand they are supported for starting or growing their families.

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