Kickstarter Project Analysis - Excel

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Kickstarter Project Analysis - Excel

About this project

This was a single-table dataset containing > 374,000 records about Kickstarter projects from 2009 to 2018. The goal of this project would be to help advise potential investors on which project categories and countries produce the most successful projects and how successful projects are. This project was done using Excel pivot tables and charts to create the dashboard with slicers and timelines connected to the pivot tables.

Some challenges I ran into was seeing no successful projects after 2014, and how to interpret this for investing in 2018. Another challenging aspect was getting all date fields formatted the same to create new fields like Year Launched. This is the first project I am posting to a portfolio, so I welcome any constructive thoughts and comments!

Most Successful Categories:

The 3 categories with the highest rates of success were 1) Music 53.1%, 2) Film & Video 52.1% and 3) Theater 51.9%. However, Film & Video claim the highest number of successful Kickstarter projects with 32,684.

Successful Projects by Country:

There was an overwhelming large gap between the United States and the next 4 countries in the amount of projects started, and brought to success. 42.6% of projects in the United States in this dataset have been successful, with the next closest success rate belonging to the United Kingdom (21.07%).

Successful Projects by Year (2009 to 2018):

An interesting finding when analyzing successful projects over this timeframe was one that increased dramatically until it reached is peak in 2013, and experienced a sharper decline. One other interesting finding was there were 0 listed successful projects from 2015 to 2018. Potential user error on these results.

Other Findings:

The largest amount pledged to a single project was $20,338,986 to The Long Yellow Line, far surpassing its goal of $500,000. This project was in the Publishing category and was launched in 2009.


While there is uncertainty with the data from 2015 to 2018, I would advise a potential investor to pledge to a project in the United States in the categories of Music, Film & Video, and Theater. Each of these categories saw a success rate above 50%, with Music being the highest (53.1%).

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