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About this project

A person makes a doctor appointment, receives all the instructions and no show-up. Who to blame? What could be the reason?

The medical appointment No show-ups dataset from Kaggle contains information about patients and variables(characteristics) such as alcoholism, scholarship, hypertension, diabetes, handicap, SMS. For each of these variables, there are 2 possible answers- 0 and 1. 0 means false while 1 means True. Data cleaning was done in Microsoft Excel, data analysis and visualization was done in Tableau. The dashboard shows the percentage of patients who did not show up for appointments across the different variables. Analysis shows the possible variable responsible for medical appointment no show-up.

Key insights from the analysis are:

·There are 110,527 patients (35% male and 65% female)

·79.81% of patients showed up for appointment while 20.19% did not show up for appointment.

·65.39% of female and 34.61% of male did not show up for appointment.

·96.97% of patients who don’t consume alcohol did not show up for appointment

·88.45% of patients who do not have scholarship did not show up for appointment

·83.10% of patients who don’t have hypertension did not show up for appointment

·98.18% of patients who are not handicapped did not show up for appointment

·93.59% of patients who don’t have diabetes did not show up for appointment

·56.16% of patients who did not receive SMS did not show up for appointment


·Reminder SMS should be sent to all patients ahead of their appointments

·Scholarship should be extended to all citizens to aid them financially which will also make them show up for appointments

·Sensitization should be done in all neighborhoods to educate the citizen on the importance of showing up for appointments even if they feel fit and healthy.

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