Hello Friends, I am excited to share my "Road Accident Analysis Dashboard”! This visualization report based on total casualties and total accident values for particular year 2021-22. also, Monthly trend showing comparison of casualties as per years. one of the pins marked component for this dashboard that this dashboard derives total casualties and total accidents by its location Dataset : Kaggle #visualization Tool Used: POWER BI Addressing Points -
Replace fetal to fatal in accident severity
Data processing:
Create calendar table = Calendar = CALENDAR (MIN (Data [Accident Date]), MAX (Data [Accident Date]))
Year column = Year = YEAR (Calendar [Date])
Month name = = FORMAT([Date],"mmm")
Month number = MONTH (Calendar [Date]) Data Modelling:
Relationship between accident date and date table in modelling tab Creating Measures
Current Year or CY Casualties = TOTALYTD (SUM (Data [Number_of_Casualties]),'Calendar'[Date])
PY Casualties = CALCULATE (SUM (Data [Number_of_Casualties]), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Calendar'[Date]))
CY Accidents Counts = TOTALYTD (COUNT (Data [Accident Index]),'Calendar'[Date])
PY Accident Count = CALCULATE (COUNT (Data [Accident Index]), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Calendar'[Date]))
YOY Accident Count = ([CY Accidents Counts] - [PY Accident Count])/ [PY Accident Count] Key Insights, Designing & Visualization:
Create KPI for accident severities individually
Create Total accident & Casualties
Create Groups of Vehicle Types & Casualties by Vehicles
Create a KPI of Casualties by Vehicle Type
Create a Area Chart
Current year (CY) Casualties vs Previous year (PY) Casualties by Monthly Trend
Create Donut Chart Casualties by Urban\Rural
Create Donut Chart Casualties by Lighting Conditions
Maximum Speed limit in miles/hours
Slicer for Road surface & Weather Conditions
Do check out from the POWER BI. Public link as well: https://lnkd.in/dRR427W6
P.S - Please feel free to leave your honest reviews. . #dataanalytics #datavisualization #powerbi #dashboarddesign #analytics #mavenanalytics