Tools used in this project
Family Leave

About this project

The analysis summarizes data on the number of paid and unpaid leave weeks ,offered by various companies in different industries. It includes the number of companies, industries and the number of weeks given or not given.

The tools used for this analysis is Power Bi

Some Question I sort to answer were :

i. The Total Number Companies

ii. The number of different industries

iii. The most common number of paid leave weeks offered for both maternal and paternal parents

iii. The relationship between paid maternal and paternal leave by company

iv.The companies with the highest paid leaves

v. The company that offers the least paid and unpaid leave weeks .


-The analysis indicates that on the average paternity leave offered is 7.3 weeks which is lesser that 10.9 weeks that mothers are offered.

-Also, the most common number of weeks offered to mother is 12 weeks which is 50% more than what is offered to fathers.

In brief, Paternity leave is offered less to parents among these companies and it is something that should be considered more which will in the long run take away some of the pressure experienced by mothers after childbirth.

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