Maven Family Leave Challenge

Tools used in this project
Maven Family Leave Challenge

Tableau Dashboard

About this project

Project background

As part of Women's History Month in the United States, your company is writing a piece on parental leave policies across the business world and they need you to create an impactful visual using the data you collected.

The dataset included ~1,600 companies' data on industry, paternity, maternity, and paid/unpaid leave amounts.

Some initial questions I wanted to explore were:

  • What industries have significantly lower than average maternity leave?
  • Are there any job satisfaction trends for companies that offer lower-than-average maternity leave?
  • Are any trends at the industry level that offer below the federally mandated amount of maternity leave?

I decided to not collect additional data on job satisfaction from Glassdoor. It started to prove a bit too time intensive to create a workflow in Selenium that can scrape job satisfaction data at scale for all companies in the list.

Additionally, the focal point of the analysis was the distribution of maternity leave and not so much job satisfaction.

Data preparation

There really wasn't any data cleaning that needed to happen. However, I removed any records that had an industry category of #N/A from the dataset - which resulted in 3 records being removed.

Key findings

First, I noticed both the average paid maternity and unpaid maternity leaves fell below 12 weeks.


This was an interesting insight and I wanted to probe deeper to see how many companies offered below the minimum mandated maternity leave with paid and unpaid leave combined.

I found 1 in 4 companies on average provide less than 12 weeks of maternity leave.


The industries with the most companies that offer below 12 weeks of maternity leave consisted of Technology, Healthcare, Retail, Business Services, Education, and Insurance.


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