Maven Slopes Challenge: Ski Resort Finder

Tools used in this project
Maven Slopes Challenge: Ski Resort Finder

Maven Slopes Challenge - Ski Resort Finder Dashboard

About this project

Business Case

The challenge for this project was to create a dashboard to help skiers find their ideal destination.

Key Insights that influenced the design

Resort Location

Providing users the opportunity to filter resorts by a preferred Country.

Date Range

This was a bit tricky and required a bit of data cleaning to properly build a date selection filter.

Originally, the dates were presented in a range format (i.e. October - May) that did not play nice with filters. I wrote a quick algorithm using Python to clean up the dates:

undefinedOnce this program ran it gave me all the corresponding months a particular resort was open.

Slope Difficulty

The difficulty of the slopes was a key consideration important when planning the dashboard.

Ski trips require a lot of energy and stamina so physical shape is important when planning a trip.

Altitude Sickness

According to the NHS, you're at risk of altitude sickness if you're 2,500m above sea level. So this is something I felt was important to represent within the dashboard.

End result

A dynamic dashboard that allows the user to filter based on they're preferred Country, skill level, and the month they want to go ski.

Additionally, users can select two resorts they'd like to compare and contrast among each other.

And finally, there's a dynamic summary that gets updated depending on the two comparison resorts selected.

Ski Finder Dashboard: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19xTpZxBPaxNZAq1yx-h_pYxQmAatfR5exjqpW5SQQZU/edit#gid=1210149977

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