This project is an analysis of the US car accident dataset from Kaggle, in which I sought to answer several questions related to the data.
The questions I answered include the distribution of start times, whether the distribution of accidents by the hour is the same on weekends as on weekdays, and the distribution of start times on Sundays.
I also created a geographical plot that shows the accidents across the United States, identified which states the top 100 cities with the most accidents belong to most frequently, determined the months with the most accidents, and analyzed the trend of accidents year over year.
To perform the analysis, I used SQL to write queries and prominently used subqueries and COUNT functions. After obtaining the results from the queries, I visualized the data using Tableau, which allowed me to create informative and interactive visualizations and dashboards.
Github: https://github.com/UPalaniappan/UPalaniappan/blob/main/Portfolio_Projects/US_Car_accidents_analysis.sql
Tableau: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/umamaheswari.palaniappan5353/viz/UsCarAccidentDashboard/Dashboard1