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Moving with Maven Airlines

The Maven Airlines Dashboard - look at that little fella go

About this project

The Objective

The objective of this challenge was to use the Maven Airlines customer survey results and turn it into something insightful and compelling that would drive decision round how the executives could increases profits at the hypothetical maven airlines.

##The Design At the time this report was generated, the Power BI embedding of live reports had just been released. This inspired me to create a 'dual purpose' report that combined the ad-hoc self service facility of Power BI with something comparable to a Power Point presentation. As such the general design of the reporting page was segmented into an 'Analysis' section and an 'Insights' and associated 'Recommendations' section.

##Recommendation using R R code was utilised in the report to derive statistical significance of customer type to help support the recommendation of focusing on First Time customer conversion rates.

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