About this project

Background Information:

So, In this project, I had to work on Mexico Toy Sales Data by Maven Analytics I got four tables of different categories in these datasets which contain inventory, sales, products, and inventory information about a company that deals in Toys sales throughout Mexico by outlets on different locations.

Recommended Analysis:

  1. Which product categories drive the biggest profits? Is this the same across store locations?
  2. Can you find any seasonal trends or patterns in the sales data?
  3. Are sales being lost with out-of-stock products at certain locations?
  4. How much money is tied up in inventory at the toy stores? How long will it last?

Tools I use:

So, for this exploratory analysis, I used SQL you guys can find all code regarding this analysis on my GitHub page Link mentioned below.

Answer to the first question :

I had to find which product category derives the most sales if you look at the Bar chart below you can see the Toy category which is


Profit by categoryProfit by category

Now Answer to the 2nd question :

I had to find the seasonal trend in sales so to achieve that I convert the sales data into four quarters of the year so in the chart below we can see that Quater four of the year from October to December had the biggest sales compared to other quarters.

the sale of this quarter is =$2,162,382

No alt text provided for this imageseasonal effect on sales

The answer to the third question:

I had to find the loss in sales if products get out of stock at certain locations to do that I made a table where I calculated the total sales at different store locations where all products are available then I calculate the sales where products are out of stock then I calculate the difference between them and found the loss of total sales at those locations.

No alt text provided for this imagesale lost

Now moving to the last Answer to the question:

I had to find the total money which is tied up in the form of inventory at the toy stores. So to find that i i made an area chart that shows the inventory amount at different store locations you guys can see that chat below:

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In order to interact with the Dashboard so guys can visit the link below

Tableau Dashboard

And If you want to check out my SQL code for that click the link below:

SQL Code

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