About this project

Background Information:

It was the challenge given Data in Motion I had to do the Analysis of Accidents across the US in different States and Cities using the tools of my choice So I chose Excel for Data Cleaning And Pivot Tables for Data Analysis To visualize my findings I use Tableau and Build the dashboard to deliver my insights. I download the dataset from Kaggle

The question Which I answer is given Below:

Is there any missing data? If so, visualize it in a plot.

Remove any columns that you may find not useful for your analysis.

Plot the top 10 cities with the most accidents.

Plot the distribution of the start time.

Is the distribution of accidents by hour the same on weekends as on weekdays?

What is the distribution of the start time on Sundays?

Create a geographical plot to show accidents across a map of the United States.

Among the top 100 cities in the number of accidents, which states do they belong to most frequently?

Which months have the most accidents?

What is the trend of accidents year over year (decreasing/increasing?)

Now Start With the First Question :

So there was missing data from 2017 to 2019 I only had data from three years so I proceed with that if you look at the yearly distribution of data you can see that in these years there were accidents shown in the plot . If you guys haven't seen the dashboard I put Link at the end you can visit my profile on the tableau and have a look at it.


2nd Question:

In my second question, I had to remove any unwanted data which was not necessary at that time like I had to delete multiple rows like address, house numbers, zip code, and vehicle damage sides, etc. I also remove data with wrong Dates And times.

3rd Question:

For 3rd question, I had to plot the 10 ten cities with the most accidents you see below in the image of the bar graph you can see the top 10 cities I use an Excel pivot table to analyze the data first sorted the data ZtoA then limit the values to top Ten after that I use Tableau to visualize the data in the bar graph.

undefined4th Question:

I had to Plot the distribution of Start times. Start time refers to the time of the accidents to do that I use Excel to analyze the most rush time of the day in terms of accidents. You can see the result below

undefined5th Question:

In This question, I had to find the hourly distribution difference on weekdays and on weekends you guys can spot the difference in the area graph below:

undefined6th Question:

I had to find out the hourly distribution of accidents on Sundays so I use a pivot table to analyze the data only filtring accidents happen on Sundays and according to time you can see below in the line graph.


7th Question:

I had to plot the Geographical representation of accidents across the US using the map so I use Tableau maps:

undefined8th Question:

I had to find the Top 100 cities with the most frequent accidents and which state they blog to so I use Excel to analyze the data and Tableau to visualize it.

undefined9th Question:

In this Question, I had to answer the months with the most accidents so i use Tableau to analyze and visualize the data:

undefined, December is having the most accidents compared to other months.

Link to Tableau dashboard:

Tableau link

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