Tools used in this project
Exploring the Universe with Data

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

The Maven Analytics Space Challenge report, created using Power BI, provides a comprehensive analysis of the Space dataset to explore the final frontier of space exploration. The report is designed to gain insights into the various aspects of space missions and provide valuable information for future space explorations.

The report features a variety of interactive visualizations, including charts and graphs, which enable users to explore the data in-depth and gain a better understanding of various factors such as mission success rates, mission objectives, and mission timelines. The report includes several key metrics such as the number of missions by agency, mission outcome, and mission type, which provide a high-level overview of the data.

Additionally, the report includes detailed analyses of missions by agency, country, and mission type, allowing users to identify trends and patterns in mission performance across different segments. This information can be used to optimize mission planning and execution, ensuring a higher success rate for future space missions.


About the dataset

  • This dataset contains a csv table with 4,631 records, one for each space mission.
  • Each record contains details on each mission's name, location, date, and status of the launch, the company responsible, and the price, status, and name of the rocket.
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