Find Your Dream Home in Bangladesh

Tools used in this project
Find Your Dream Home in Bangladesh

Power BI Dashboard

About this project

Note : Used Drill through filter in table

The Bangladesh Property Listing dashboard created using Power BI is an insightful tool that allows users to explore property listings in Bangladesh. The project was created using data from Kaggle, which provides a reliable and comprehensive dataset of properties available for sale in Bangladesh.

The dashboard provides a range of visualizations, including tables, cards, charts, and graphs, that enable users to explore the property listings from various angles. One of the key features of the dashboard is the ability to filter data by various parameters such as location, price, property type, and other relevant factors. Users can apply multiple filters to the data, allowing them to hone in on the specific properties they are interested in.

The dashboard also includes various KPIs that provide users with a quick snapshot of the property market in Bangladesh. These KPIs include the price, the average property price in each location.

Overall, the Bangladesh Property Listing dashboard created using Power BI is a comprehensive and insightful tool that provides users with a range of features to explore and analyze the data associated with the property market in Bangladesh. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in buying, selling, or investing in the Bangladesh property market.

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