Invistico Airlines Customer Satisfaction Analysis

Tools used in this project
Invistico Airlines Customer Satisfaction Analysis

About this project


Invistico is a leading fortune 500 corporation and one of the top airlines in the aviation sector.

For this project, we intend to explore survey results provided by customers of Invistico Airline (anonymized), and understand what causes customers to be satisfied or dissatisfied.

The insights allow the airline to determine whether they are improving their service with customer expectations.

This can help them understand better how specific service offerings are performing with regards to customer satisfaction.

Maintaining quality is also important in relation to costs. Mistakes are expensive, quality control and quality assurance help businesses to limit additional costs and reduce wastage by aiming to ensure that things are done correctly the first time.

About the Data

The dataset we use is from Kaggle.com. It consists of survey results and demographic/personal information related to 129,880 customers. In total, there are 23 variables. The dataset has already been cleaned and basically ready for analyzing and further processes. Also, there are no missing values in any of the variables.

  • Gender: categorical, Female or Male
  • Customer Type: categorical, Loyal Customer or disloyal Customer
  • Age: Numerical, the reviewed customer’s age.
  • Type of Travel: Categorical, Business travel or Personal Travel
  • Class: categorical, Business, Eco, or Other
  • Departure Delay in Minutes: numerical
  • Arrival Delay in Minutes: numerical

The next 14 variables are all customer’s satisfaction level to a certain aspect of the flight. They are all numerical variables on a 0–5 scale.

  • Seat comfort
  • Departure/Arrival time convenient
  • Food and drink
  • Gate location
  • Inflight wifi service
  • Inflight entertainment
  • Online support
  • Ease of Online booking
  • On-board service
  • Leg room service
  • Baggage handling
  • Checkin service
  • Cleanliness
  • Online boarding

For ease of reference , we classified the 14 variables into 3 groups:

  1. Customer Services : Online support , Ease of Online Booking , On-Board Service , Baggage handling , Check in service and Online booking.
  2. InFlight Services : Variables related to the airline. Those include variables like Seat comfort, Inflight Wifi and entertainment, Food and drink, Cleanliness. leg room.
  3. Departure and Arrival Delays.

Key insights




Customer satisfaction is important because it illustrates whether your customer base likes what you're doing.

Research shows that high satisfaction leads to greater customer retention, higher lifetime value, and a stronger brand reputation.

To improve customer satisfaction or to get to the company's ideal benchmark, the following should be considered :

The average age of the customer both Male & Female lies between 35-40 .

Generally a lot of employees at that age hold senior positions where their jobs require them to travel. This is shown based on the type of travel they are under where the majority are loyal customers who travel for business which can jeopardize the sales of the airline.

We first will take a look at the different cabin classes offered at the airlines (Business, Economy & Economy Plus)

According to the surveys , 45% ( 57.79K) are dissatisfied by the services of the airlines. Where majority of the dissatisfaction comes from the Economy Class.

This indicates that there is a high dissatisfied customer base and the quality of the services need to be addressed immediately.

In finding solutions , Time and comfort are huge factors they will need consider in order to improve customer satisfaction.

For Time :

The average arrival and delay times are 15 minutes whereas the ideal delay times should be 10 minutes. This marginal difference plays a crucial role for these customers as they would require a smooth process that aligns with their schedules, The company is advised to take a look at all the factors that would cause the delays and attempt to alleviate these problems with the issues that they can control. ( eg. Staffing , Technical, Air Traffic Control , Bookings)

For Comfort :

We observe the ratings for the different services the airline offers during flights.

Ideally the average should be closer to 4.5 than 3.5

The highest rated services are :

  • Baggage Handling (Customer Service)
  • Cleanliness (Inflight service)
  • Online Support (Customer Service)

The lowest rated services are from the Inflight Services :

  • Seat Comfort
  • Food & Drink
  • Departure and Arrival Time
  • Gate Location

Therefore it is HIGHLY recommended that the airlines take all of the issues identified and take action to improve the quality of the services . Some of these solutions may include

  • Inspections
  • Staff Training
  • Product Recalls

To conclude , maintaining quality has a range of benefits for a business. When a business can offer higher quality and lower costs, they gain a competitive advantage over similar businesses. A good-quality product or service helps to build a strong brand image which can allow a business to grow its market share . If a business has a product or service that gains a good reputation for being of high quality, the business can charge a premium price and make more sales. A high quality product is also likely to result in lower returns rates, improve loyalty, customer base growth and less complaints.

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