Power Bi Dashboard

About this project

Context: As winter begins, a lot of people prepare themseleves for Ski season. According to Thomas (2022) there over 6,000 ski resorts in the world, there is at least one ski resorts in every continent with the exception of antartica. Being Europe and the North amrica the ones with the major concentration of resorts.

As part of Maven Analytics monthly challenges, the objective of this project is to build a one-page dashboard to help skiers find their ideal destination.The dataset contains data on more than 500 ski resorts around the world, including details on their location, prices, slopes, lifts, and seasons, as well as a complementary table with the snow cover around the world for each month of 2022.

Data Source: Thomas, B. (2022). Where in the world are all the ski resorts? SnowBrains. https://snowbrains.com/where-in-the-world-are-all-the-ski-resorts/#:~:text=There%20are%20over%206%2C000%20ski,resorts%20are%20in%20the%20world.

Approach: For the features and graphs DAX measures had to be created. That included measures that sum each type of difficult level (Begginer, Intermedium and Difficult), other for lift capacity and highest peak. Also, maximum and minimum measures were created for the resort's price. For the third section, the months table had to be unpivot so that the table could have a month column and the value of 1 or 0 if it was open or not during that month.

As for the structure, the first part of the dashboard provides an interactive view of various ski resorts, allowing to explore and compare the facilities, amenities, and overall prices. It provides insights into which types of slopes and lifts the resorts offer. In the bottom part, the general resorts characteristics are explained.

Analysis: The project organized having the upper part an interactive view of various ski resorts, allowing to compare the facilities. While, in the bottom part, the general resorts characteristics are explained. The general characteristics are divided into 5 major sections such as: Key aspects, Price distribution per Country, Resorts per Month, Type of client and Resorts around the world. In the first section, there are four statistical aspects that are checked that displays that out of the total resorts in the dataset, there are 99.2% children friendly resorts, 75.8% have a snowpark, in 40.9% customers can practice nightskiing and in 5.8% they can do summer skiing.Regarding price distribution per country, it is clear that among all the resorts, only 4% have a daily cost over 100 euros, all of which are from the United States. On the other side, 2% of the resorts have a price of cero. Plus, 41% of resorts are above the average price of 48.7 euros. In the resorts per month section, there is evidence that the skiing season varies per continent. Out of the 89% of resorts open between December and March, 100% are located in North America, Europe, and Asia. The rest of the year, less than 3% of those resorts remain open. Contrary, 100% of the resorts from Oceania and South America open between June and October. Finallly, in the resorts around the world section, there is a big difference between the ammount of skii resorts per country. About 70%of the countries have less than 5 resorts each, while 3 countries have about 50% of all the resorts. Where Austria is home for 18% of the skii resorts, followed by France and the US with 16% each. There are 11 countries situated in Europe and Asia that hosts only one resort.

After the analysis made above, the dashboard approaches 3 types of clients:

  1. Budget- friendly: These clients are often new to skiing or simply looking for an affordable way to hit the slopes. They may opt for more basic equipment and accommodations to keep costs down, but they still expect to have a great time on the mountain.

  2. Experienced Skier: there are the experienced skiers who may have a more specific set of expectations. They may have certain runs or ski resorts that they frequent and have a particular style or technique they prefer. These clients are often looking for a seamless ski experience, where everything from lift lines to equipment rentals are quick and efficient.

  3. Eccentric experience: individual or family that wants to have an over the top experienced. These clients are typically experienced and have a deep love for skiing. They are often willing to splurge on high-end equipment and accommodations to make their ski experience as memorable as possible.

Recommendations: The ski resorts should target Budget-Friendly Clients, consider offering special packages, deals, or discounts during the skiing season. Create affordable ski and stay packages that include equipment rentals and lodging at competitive rates. Highlight the resorts' family-friendly amenities, such as children's ski lessons, snow parks, and night skiing options. Emphasizing the value proposition of the resort, showcasing how guests can have a great skiing experience without breaking the bank.

Another approach they could take is providing Premium Experiences for Eccentric Clients: To cater to clients seeking eccentric experiences, focus on providing top-notch services and luxurious accommodations. Offer exclusive skiing experiences, such as private ski lessons with experienced instructors, or access to exclusive ski areas. Highlight the unique features and experiences the resort can offer to make their skiing vacation exceptional and unforgettable. Collaborate with high-end equipment rental providers to offer premium ski equipment options to suit their preferences.

By targeting these different client segments and tailoring your offerings accordingly, the resort can attract a diverse range of guests and ensure their satisfaction with their skiing experience. Understanding the guests' preferences and expectations will help customize the resort's amenities, services, and marketing strategies to cater to each type of client effectively.

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