Tools used in this project
Northwind Traders

Power Bi

About this project

About this project

The Challenge:

.......you've been tasked with building a top-level KPI dashboard for the executive team. Its purpose should be to allow them to quickly understand the company's performance in key areas.

Approach Used:

1. Define the end user: In this case, the end user would be the VPs of the company and it should be easy to add more information over time. Therefore a 2-page dashboard showing the current situation and then Pareto and What If analysis is an easy display to present and to understand.

2. Define the structure: The dahsboard is structured in 2 pages, the first one being an overall summary of the company and defining the Top 5 (regarding to % of Sales). The second one, is a Pareto and What If Analysis to go deeper into what is happening and how changing certain variables may affect the Sales. As the for the visuals, the aim was to maintain them simple to understand.

3. Data clean-up: Some companies had not disclousure their Parental Leave, having a mix of N/A and number values in the same column. For that, I created duplicates column to work with, and replacing the N/A values with [blanks] so that it would be considered for average measures.

4. DAX measures: A lot of measures were needed, especially for the Pareto, What If Analysis and to define the % of Total Sales.

About the dataset:

Main Dataset: dataset provided by Maven Analytics for the Northwind Traders Challenge.

This dataset contains 1 table in CSV format:

  • Sales & order data for Northwind Traders, a fictitious gourmet food supplier, including information on customers, products, orders, shippers, and employees.

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