Pizza Store Annual Performance in Qliksense : Chart Level Scripting, CSS and Qlik Themes for styling

Tools used in this project
Pizza Store Annual Performance in Qliksense : Chart Level Scripting, CSS and Qlik Themes for styling

About this project

This dashboard summarizes the Pizza Store's annual revenue, peak order time, and inventory through appropriate visuals.

Technical Overview:

  • Dashboard is developed in Qlik Saas environment
  • To explore new functionalities of Qlik, Chart Level Scripting feature is used to calculate the measures %MoM Growth, % Revenue Contribution.
  • Qlik Scripting is used to create a Master Time Calendar to fill missing dates.
  • Complex chart expressions are used to calculate the aggregations.- Aggr(), SetAnalysis expresssions, Above()
  • Object styling using CSS in Multi KPI and Custom themes used for overall styling.
  • Custom Object - Grid Chart used as Heatmap to visualize busy hours
  • Master items used for Dimensions/Measures for reusability of expressions and to set segment and value colors.

Project Goals:

The goal of this project is to help the pizza store generate meaningful insights using their previous year's data to identify key areas of improvement that can help increase revenue, and improve overall store performance and order/inventory management.

Relevant Insights have been added to the footnotes of each visualization.

Recommended Analysis:

  1. How many customers do we have each day? Are there any peak hours?
  • On an average daily we get 58 customers.
  • The lunch hours of 12 pm -2 pm and the evening 5 pm - 8 pm are the busiest hours.
  • Based on the heatmap, the ideal store timings should be 11 am-21 pm on weekdays and 11am-22pm on weekends.
  • Store can operate on a reduced capacity in down hours/periods/holidays.
  • Weekends/Summers/ Thanksgivings should be treated as a high availability period and we should operate on an increased capacity.
  1. How many pizzas are typically in an order? Do we have any bestsellers?
  • 66.8% orders consists of 1-2 pizzas on an average.
  • Based on these numbers the pizza store should accommodate two seating more along with a few larger tables for families.
  • Classic Deluxe is the most ordered Pizza and Thai Chicken is the top revenue generator.
  • Buy 3 get 1 Free offers can be used in down periods to attract larger groups.
  1. How much money did we make this year? Can we identify any seasonality in the sales?
  • The Pizza place made $817k in 2015.
  • Highest Sales observed on the 4th of July weekend and the Thanksgiving weekend of November.
  • Oct and Sept has recorded the lowest sales, more discounts can be offered on low selling items in this period.
  1. Are there any pizzas we should take of the menu, or any promotions we could leverage?
  • The Brie Carrie Pizza is the least sold and the lowest revenue generator pizza.
  • The pizza is sold at a 23.65$ as Brie only used in this pizza is a premium cheese
  • Brie Carrie can be taken off the menu as it is not generating any value and is clearly not a customer favorite.
  • The Greek Pizza sold only in XL and XXL sizes should be made available in L/M/S size and sold at a lower price point.
  1. Which ingredients are used the least? Are there any ingredients that can be reused as pizza toppings?
  • Top 4 highly used ingredients are veggies which can be purchased at a wholesale rate at a lower price point.
  • All the 5 least used ingredients are used in the least sold pizzas.
  • More than 60% individual toppings are not reused in other pizza's ingredient list. The least selling pizza's recipe can be alerted to include more shared ingredients among different pizzas.
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