BOGO Or Discount? Maven Café Rewards

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BOGO Or Discount? Maven Café Rewards


About this project

Summary of Results

  • Average Time to Complete Order: 3 days.
  • Customer Completed Rewards: 12.774K.
  • Number of Transactions: 5.103K.
  • Total Rewards Over the Month: $164.7K.

Key Insights

  1. Offer Type Performance:
    • BOGO (Buy One Get One): Most popular among the 46-55 age group with 2,748 completions.
    • Discount Offers: Second most popular, with significant engagement across all age groups.
    • Informational Offers: Least engaged, indicating a preference for tangible rewards.
  2. Age Group Analysis:
    • Highest rewards were distributed to customers aged 56-65.
    • Younger age groups (<= 25) showed the least engagement.
  3. Gender Analysis:
    • Rewards distribution is evenly split between male and female customers, each accounting for 48% of the total rewards.
  4. Daily Engagement:
    • Variability in daily rewards distribution suggests certain days are more effective for promotions.
  5. Duration for Offers:
    • While the average time to complete an order is 3 days, some outliers redeemed offers on the 6th day. Shortening the duration for redeeming offers could increase customer footfall.

Strategic Recommendations

  1. Targeted Promotions:
    • Focus BOGO offers on the 46-55 age group to maximize engagement.
    • Increase discount offers for the 56-65 age group, who are the highest reward earners.
  2. Gender-Specific Campaigns:
    • Develop gender-specific marketing campaigns since rewards distribution is evenly split.
  3. Optimize Timing:
    • Analyze daily engagement patterns to identify the best days for launching promotional offers.
  4. Shorten Offer Duration:
    • Reduce the duration for redeeming offers to increase customer footfall and prompt quicker engagement.

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