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Executive Summary of Key Performance Indicators for Massachusetts General Hospital


This report synthesizes critical data from the hospital's performance dashboards, providing a comprehensive overview of patient admissions, financial metrics, insurance coverage, patient demographics, geographical distribution, and operational trends. These insights are crucial for strategic decision-making and operational improvements.

Key Insights

  1. Admissions and Patient Statistics

    • Total Admissions: 27,891
    • Unique Patients: 974
    • Re-admissions: 854, indicating a need for enhanced post-care strategies.
  2. Financial Metrics

    • Total Claim Cost: $101.51 million
    • Average Encounter Cost per Visit: $116.18
    • Average Claim Cost per Patient: $3,640
  3. Average Stay Duration

    • Duration: 7.28 hours, suggesting efficient patient management and throughput.

Insurance and Contributions

  1. Insurance Coverage

    • Major Insurers: Medicare ($19.215M), Medicaid ($8.418M), Blue Cross Blue Shield ($2.075M)
    • Uninsured Patients: 262, highlighting a potential area for policy and community outreach improvements.
  2. Patient vs. Insurance Contributions

    • An increasing trend in patient payments for medical costs, indicating a shift in financial responsibility.

Revenue and Costs

  1. Revenue from Procedures

    • Primary Revenue Sources: Urgent care ($20.7M) and ambulatory services ($16.9M)
    • Other significant revenue streams include outpatient, inpatient, wellness, and emergency services.
  2. Encounter Cost vs. Base Cost

    • Encounter costs represent a minor fraction (2.98%) of the base costs ($106M), indicating effective cost management.

Patient Demographics and Mortality

  1. Patient Demographics

    • Gender Distribution: Predominantly male (784 males vs. 190 females)
    • Ethnicity: Majority non-Hispanic whites
    • Age: High concentration in elderly age groups, particularly those aged 92 and above.
  2. Mortality Data

    • Total Deaths: 154, primarily among patients aged 72 and older with multiple operations, suggesting areas for clinical focus.

Geographical Insights

  1. Geographical Distribution

    • High patient concentrations in Cambridge, Medford, and Boston, which could guide targeted resource allocation and marketing strategies.

Trends and Efficiency

  1. Trends in Patient Count and Claim Costs

    • Fluctuating patient count with a peak around 2014.
    • Stable total claim costs despite varying patient numbers, indicating potential efficiency gains.
  2. Re-Admissions and Procedures

    • High re-admission rates necessitate improved post-care strategies.
    • Total Operations: 47,701
    • Unique Procedures: 157

Summary for the Executive Board

  • Financial Health: The hospital relies heavily on Medicare and Medicaid, with increasing patient contributions. This trend necessitates a review of pricing and patient billing strategies.
  • Operational Efficiency: The data suggests good operational efficiency in terms of average stay durations and stable claim costs. However, the high rate of re-admissions points to the need for improved post-care strategies.
  • Demographic Focus: The patient base is predominantly elderly, male, and non-Hispanic white, indicating a specialized need for geriatric care.
  • Geographic Targeting: Focusing on areas with high patient concentrations like Cambridge, Medford, and Boston could optimize resource allocation and enhance care delivery.
  • Revenue Streams: While urgent care and ambulatory services are major revenue drivers, there is room to optimize other service areas to boost overall revenue.

This comprehensive analysis provides a foundation for targeted strategic enhancements to improve patient care, operational efficiency, and financial performance.

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