Very insightful and clean dashboard, Alicia. Could you please explain the Completions per Customer and the calculation behind it? Thank you.
Alicia Key
Project owner
6 months ago
Project owner
Hello Osaid! Thanks for your feedback and questions! Unlike a conversion rate, where an offer can only have one completion, the offers in this dataset could be completed more than once per customer. Certain offers were completed up to 4 times by one customer! So I needed another metric to compare offer performance. "Completions per customer" is the total number of offer completions divided by the count of distinct customers that viewed the offer. A value of 1 would mean that every customer that viewed the offer completed it once. A value greater than 1 means that some customers completed the offer multiple times, and a value less than 1 means that not all viewing customers completed the offer. I have renamed this metric to "Completions per Viewing Customer" which hopefully makes the concept more clear. I am going to add this to the main text describing the dashboard thanks to your comment!