Bank Credit Card Analysis

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 Bank Credit Card Analysis

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undefinedThe report titled "Mitron Bank Credit Card Analysis" provides a comprehensive overview of the bank's customer base, their spending patterns, and income utilization.


The dataset is consisted of two tables "dim_customers" and "facts_spends", consists of 4000 records in total. Dataset was quite cleaned and there were no room to make changes or perform data cleaning and transformation.

Key Metrices and Visualizations :

  • Demographics Analysis
  • Spending Analysis
  • Detail Overview

Lets dive deep into key insights!

Demographics Analysis:

1: Key Metrices:

undefinedThe top section of the report presents key metrics. The bank has a total spend of ₹531M across 4,000 customers, with a higher proportion of Male customers (2,597) compared to Female customers (1,403). The Average Income Utilization rate stands at 42.82%, and the Total Income generated is ₹1,240M. These figures suggest a significant customer base with a good income-to-spending ratio.

2: Total Customers by Age group and Gender:

undefinedThis bar chart illustrates the distribution of customers across different age groups, segmented by gender. The majority of customers are in the 25-34 (532 females & 966 males) and 35-45 age brackets(439 females & 834 males), with males outnumbering females in both groups. Interestingly, the 25-34 age group has the highest number of customers, indicating that this demographic is highly engaged with the bank’s credit card offerings.

3: Total Customer by Marital Status and Gender:

undefinedThe first pie chart reveals that the majority of customers (78.4%) are married, while 21.6% are single. This suggests that the bank's credit card services are more popular among married individuals, who might have higher financial responsibilities and income levels. Another pie chart shows the overall gender distribution of customers. Males account for 64.93% of the total customer base, while females represent 35.08%. This skewed gender ratio may indicate a potential area for targeted marketing towards female customers.

4: Total Customers by Gender with Occupation and City:

undefinedThis leading bar chart categorizes customers by their occupation and gender. Salaried IT employees and freelancers form a significant portion of the customer base, with males dominating in all occupation categories. The data highlights that the bank has a strong foothold among professionals, particularly in the IT sector. The final bar chart displays the geographic distribution of customers across major cities, segmented by gender. Mumbai, with 693 male and 385 female customers, has the highest number of customers, followed by Chennai and Bengaluru. This distribution suggests that the bank's credit card services will be most popular in metropolitan areas, where financial activity is generally higher.

Overall Insights:

Demographics Analysis provides valuable insights into the demographics, spending behavior, and geographic distribution of Mitron Bank's credit card customers, highlighting areas of strength and potential opportunities for targeted growth

Spending Analysis:

1: Income, Spend and Income Utilization by Age group:

undefinedThis visual showcases the relationship between income, spending, and income utilization across different age groups. Customers aged 35-45 have the highest total spends and income, with an average utilization of 46.72%, indicating they are the most financially active. Conversely, customers aged 45+ and 21-24 show lower spending and income utilization, reflecting either a more conservative approach or limited financial resources.

2: Income, Spend and Income Utilization by Occupation :

undefinedThis chart compares the income, spending, and utilization rate across different occupations. Salaried IT Employees have the highest income and spending, with a 42.10% utilization rate, indicating strong financial capacity and credit card usage. Business Owners and Government Employees show lower utilization rates, which could point to different spending behaviors or financial strategies within these groups.

3: Income, Spend and Income Utilization by Category:

undefinedThis bar chart highlights the spending distribution across different categories, such as Bills, Groceries, Electronics, and more, with the corresponding average income utilization percentage. The highest spending is on Bills, followed by Groceries and Electronics, indicating essential expenses and lifestyle preferences. However, income utilization is lower for categories like Entertainment and Apparel, suggesting customers may spend more conservatively in these areas.

4: Total Spends by payment type :

undefinedThe bar chart shows a breakdown of spending by payment method, with credit cards being the most preferred, followed by UPI and debit cards. Net banking is the least used, suggesting customers prefer quicker and more flexible payment options.

5: Total Spends by Month:

undefinedThe line chart tracks monthly spending trends, showing a peak in September at ₹116M, followed by a decline in October and then fluctuations across subsequent months. This could indicate seasonal spending patterns, perhaps influenced by festivals or other events.

6: Total Spends by Martial Status and Gender:

undefinedThe pie chart reveals that married customers contribute significantly more to total spends (80.81%) than single customers (19.19%). This supports the earlier insight that married individuals are the primary users of the bank’s credit card services, likely due to higher household expenditures.

Total Spends by Gender:

This pie chart reaffirms that males dominate spending, accounting for 67.73% of total spends, compared to 32.27% by females. This mirrors the earlier demographic data, where males formed the majority of the customer base.

7: City-wise Average Monthly Income & Utilization:

undefinedThe table lists the average monthly income and utilization rates by city. Mumbai customers have the highest average monthly utilization at 51.34%, indicating a strong credit card dependency. In contrast, Chennai has the lowest utilization, suggesting more conservative credit use. The overall utilization rate across cities stands at 42.82%.

Overall Insights:

The Spending Analysis provides detailed insights into customer spending behavior, highlighting variations by category, age group, occupation, and location, which can be pivotal for targeted marketing and strategic decisions.

Detail Overview:

undefinedThis visual from the "Mitron Bank Credit Card Analysis" report provides a detailed tabular breakdown of individual customer data, including city, marital status, gender, income, total spends, average income utilization, and occupation.

Customer Demographics: The table focuses on customers from Mumbai, with a majority being married males employed as Salaried IT Employees. This highlights Mumbai as a key market for Mitron Bank's credit card services, particularly among the married male IT professional demographic.

Income and Spending Patterns: The table displays a wide range of incomes, with most customers earning between ₹350,000 and ₹420,000. Despite variations in income, the total spends are relatively consistent, reflecting disciplined spending behavior among these customers.

Income Utilization: Average income utilization percentages hover between 73% and 77%, indicating that these customers use a significant portion of their income for spending via credit cards. This high utilization rate suggests a strong reliance on credit for managing expenses.

Total Summary: At the bottom, the total figures reveal that this group of customers collectively spends approximately ₹530.9M, with an overall average income utilization of 42.82%. This reinforces the high financial engagement of this demographic. Overall, this detailed customer-level data is crucial for identifying key customer segments, understanding spending behaviors, and designing targeted financial products or services. The table also provides a basis for further segmentation and analysis to enhance customer relationships and optimize marketing strategies.

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