Technical Report on Initial Data Review of Titanic Data set on Kaggle

Technical Report on Initial Data Review of Titanic Data set on Kaggle

About this project

The dataset Titanic - Machine Learning from Disaster contains information on passengers from the Titanic journey, likely related to the Titanic dataset given the context of the variables. The dataset comprises 418 rows and 2 columns: Passenger ID and Survived. The purpose of this review is to provide an initial understanding of the dataset's structure and contents, identify key variables and data types, and present initial insights.

The standard deviation of the Survived column (0.48) indicates a relatively balanced distribution between those who survived and those who did not, though slightly skewed towards non-survival.ConclusionThe initial review of the Titanic dataset reveals a straightforward structure with two key variables: PassengerId and Survived. The dataset provides a clear indication of the survival rate among the passengers, with approximately 36% having survived. Further analysis could explore correlations with other potential datasets, such as passenger demographics or ticket class, to uncover deeper insights into survival factors.

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