Consumer Complaints Dashboard Analysis

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Consumer Complaints Dashboard Analysis

About this project


In this project, I delved into a comprehensive analysis of consumer complaints to uncover key insights that can enhance customer service strategies. Using advanced data analytics techniques, I examined patterns and trends within the complaints data to identify common issues and areas for improvement. The project leveraged tools such as Power BI for data preprocessing, analysis and interactive visualization, enabling a clearer understanding of customer pain points and actionable recommendations for business stakeholders.

Key Insights:

  1. Most Complaints by Products.
  2. Most Issues By Complaints
  3. Resources Used for Complaints
  4. Timeliness of Response by Products
  5. Seasonal Pattern for Submitted and Received years
  6. Products analysis w.r.t Sub-products.
  7. Complaints by States.

ETL(Extract, Transform & Load):

This dataset was obtained from a top Data Analytics platform Maven Analytics. Data is quite cleaned and well organized as there was not much to be cleaned.

Deleted empty rows, extracted the days and months from the Date data to find the seasonal pattern for the complaints. Aggregated the data to avoid misconceptions. Deleted the records which contains the "In Progress" for the fields to identify the exact information from the dataset.

Lets explore the data to drive useful insights!

Response Analysis:

1: Response Time by States:

undefinedThis visual tells us two information "Total Complaints by States" and "The timely response by states over complaints", means which state have the most complaints and how many of them are responded timely and what are the status of the remaining. Here from the chart we can easily depict that CA (California) has the most of the complaints and its status is that it have total of 10835 complaints from which 5.4% are being delayed or not responded to the customers on time but majority of the complaints around 95.4% were responded on time.

Now look at the other side from the bottom:

undefinedIf we look from the other perspective, it can be seen that WY (Wyoming) state have the least complaints and all are responded timely. Since its an obvious thing the less you have data to deal with , the quicker will be the response.

2: Resources used for Complaints:

undefinedThis Pie chart specifically shows the contribution of each source used for complaints by customers or consumers and it shows an obvious answer that in this digital era Web browsers have been used the most. Around 72.68% complaints have been filled via Web.

3: Response by Products:

undefinedThis Metrix shows two things , which area has the most queries about and what's their rate of response. Checking or savings accounts are the products which have the most of the queries which is 23816 from which 23010 (97%) are being entertained on time while 806(3%) are delayed.

4: Overall Response Rate Review:

undefinedThese visuals shows many information that overall 95.95% of the complaints from the consumers have been responded on time and 4.05% are only which faces the delay.

For showing the impact of slicer over complaints too, the slicer of States have been synced with Complaints Analysis page to showoff the details of the respective state in response section as well as on complaints too.

Complaints Analysis:

1: Seasonal Pattern of Received Complaints:

undefinedThe "Seasonal Pattern of Received Complaints" chart illustrates the historical and projected distribution of complaints from 2016 to 2030. Initially, there was a steady increase in complaints, rising from 3.9K in 2016 to a peak of 10.8K in 2022. This upward trend highlights a growing concern over the years, reaching its apex before witnessing a decline to 6.7K in 2023. The forecasting model predicts a stabilization in the number of complaints, with an average of around 6.7K per year over the next seven years, up to 2030. The shaded area around the forecasted line represents the uncertainty range, indicating potential variability in future complaint volumes. This projection aids in strategic planning and resource allocation for managing customer complaints effectively.

2: Seasonal Pattern of Submitted Complaints:

undefinedThis chart shows the historical and forecasted trends of complaints submitted from 2016 to 2030. Starting at 3.9K in 2016, the number of submitted complaints experienced a notable increase, peaking at 10.9K in 2022. This surge indicates growing issues that prompted customer actions. Following the peak, there is a decline to 6.6K in 2023. The forecast anticipates a stabilization around this level, with an average of 6.6K complaints projected annually through 2030. The shaded area represents the uncertainty range, indicating potential fluctuations in future complaint submissions. This predictive insight is crucial for planning and improving customer service strategies.

3: Product Analysis w.r.t Sub-products:

undefinedRelating it to the "Timeliness of response by products" chart in Response Analysis section. Checking or saving account possesses the most of the complaints to be exact 47.89% of the total complaints filed. These products do have sub-products which are categorized according to their section. This chart shows that the product Checking or savings account , in which Checking account sub-product have the most of the contribution of complaints 19939 out of the total.

undefinedIf we look up on the bottom Loan section, The Product "Payday Loan, title loan or personal Loan" possess the least complaints, in which Personal line of credit sub-product have the 19 of total complaints whereas installment loan have 4 of total complaints.

3: Products Analysis wrt Issues:

undefinedThis Matrix shows the information about the Products which have the most issues by the number of complaints. Relating it to the previous chart , Checking or savings accounts have the most of the complaints and most issue have been pen downed in Managing an account, 29% of the complaints from the total. Then closing an account 14563 queries.

undefinedAgain we face the least issues in the Payday Loan, title loan or personal loan product section nd even in this section we have the "Incorrect information on your report", issue possessed the most of the complaints 18 in total. Issue " Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem" have only 1 complaint.


Improve Untimely Response: Investigate the root causes of the 4.05% untimely responses and develop targeted strategies to address these issues. This might include better training for customer service representatives, process improvements, or technology upgrades.

Focus on High-Complaint States: States with high complaint volumes like California and Florida should receive special attention. Implementing state-specific initiatives to reduce complaint volumes and improve response times could be beneficial.

Enhance Digital Complaint Handling: Since the majority of complaints are received via web referrals, investing in improving the online complaint submission and tracking system could enhance customer satisfaction and efficiency.

Product-Specific Strategies: Products with lower response rates, such as debt collection and payday loans, should be analyzed in more detail to identify specific issues. Tailored strategies, such as dedicated response teams or streamlined processes, could improve performance in these areas.

Educate Consumers on Complaint Channels: Products with lower response rates, such as debt collection and payday loans, should be analyzed in more detail to identify specific issues. Tailored strategies, such as dedicated response teams or streamlined processes, could improve performance in these areas.

Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor and benchmark performance against industry standards and best practices. Regular reviews and updates to the complaint handling process can ensure that the company remains responsive and efficient.

Address Seasonal Peaks: Investigate the reasons behind the seasonal peak in 2022. Identify if it was due to specific incidents, policy changes, or market conditions. This could help mitigate future peaks.

State-Specific Initiatives: Focus on high-complaint states like California, Florida, and Texas. Implement tailored customer service improvements and educational campaigns to reduce complaint volumes.

Improve Checking and Savings Account Services: Since checking or savings accounts have the highest complaints, prioritize improvements in these areas. Streamline processes for managing, opening, and closing accounts. Enhance customer support and provide clear, accessible information to reduce confusion and errors.

Enhance Credit Card Services: Given the significant number of complaints regarding credit cards, review and improve the processes related to credit card services. Ensure clear communication and effective problem resolution mechanisms.

Specific Issue Resolution: For issues like managing accounts and problems with lenders charging accounts, develop targeted solutions. This could include better customer support, clearer terms and conditions, and improved account management tools.

Customer Education and Communication: Educate customers about the most common issues and how to prevent or resolve them. Clear communication and accessible information can reduce complaints and enhance customer satisfaction.

Continuous Monitoring and Feedback: Establish a feedback loop to continuously monitor the effectiveness of implemented strategies. Regularly update processes based on customer feedback and evolving trends.

Additional project images

Response page
Complaints Page
Impact of Slicer in response page
Impact of Slicer on Complaints Pattern
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