Indian Election 2014 and 2019 Analysis by-Saddam Ansari

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Indian Election 2014 and 2019 Analysis by-Saddam Ansari


About this project

Indian Election 2014 and 2019 Analysis Dashboard

Analyzed by- Saddam Ansari -Data & Reporting Analyst

Project Overview:

This Power BI dashboard provides a comprehensive analysis of the Indian General Elections, comparing the election results of 2014 and 2019. The dashboard focuses on key metrics such as seat distribution, vote margins, and party performance across different constituencies. The main political parties analyzed are the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC).

About Dataset:

The dataset used for this analysis includes:

Election results data for the years 2014 and 2019.

  • Party-wise seat counts.
  • Total votes received by each party.
  • Margins of victory for each party in different constituencies.
  • Names of constituencies and associated winning parties.

Key Components and Insights:

Seats Comparison (2014 vs. 2019)

BJP Performance:

  • 2014: BJP secured 282 seats.
  • 2019: BJP increased its seat count to 303.

Congress Performance:

  • 2014: Congress secured 44 seats.
  • 2019: Congress slightly improved, securing 52 seats.

Visual Insight: The bar charts clearly show the dominance of BJP in both elections and their improved performance in 2019.

Vote Distribution


  • BJP received a significant portion of the votes.
  • Congress and other parties shared the remaining votes.


  • An increase in total votes, with BJP maintaining a strong lead.
  • The vote share of Congress also increased slightly.

Visual Insight: The pie charts provide a quick visual comparison of vote shares between the two major parties and others, highlighting the increase in voter turnout in 2019.

Margin of Victory (2014 vs. 2019)

  • 2014: BJP had a substantial margin of victory in many constituencies.
  • 2019: The margin of victory for BJP increased, demonstrating their growing popularity.

Visual Insight: The stacked bar charts show the distribution of margins, emphasizing BJP's strong performance.

Constituency-wise Analysis

A detailed table lists the constituencies and the winning parties, providing granular insights into regional political dynamics.

Visual Insight: This table allows users to explore the performance of different parties in specific constituencies, making it a valuable tool for political analysts and enthusiasts.

Analysis and Interpretation

  • BJP's Growth: The dashboard highlights BJP's significant growth from 2014 to 2019, both in terms of seats and vote share. This suggests an increasing voter base and greater acceptance of BJP's policies and leadership.
  • Congress's Challenges: Although Congress improved its seat count and vote share in 2019, the party still lags significantly behind BJP. This indicates challenges in regaining its previous dominance.
  • Voter Turnout: The increase in total votes from 2014 to 2019 reflects higher voter engagement and interest in the electoral process.
  • Regional Insights: The constituency-wise analysis provides valuable insights into regional political trends, helping to identify strongholds and areas for improvement for each party.


This dashboard offers a detailed and visually appealing analysis of the Indian General Elections of 2014 and 2019. It effectively communicates key insights and trends, making it a powerful tool for political analysts, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of Indian politics.

Learning Outcomes from the Indian General Elections Analysis Dashboard Project

Technical Skills Acquired

  1. Data Collection and Preparation:
  • Gathered election results data for the years 2014 and 2019, including seat counts, vote totals, and constituency details.
  • Cleaned and formatted the dataset to ensure consistency and accuracy for analysis in Power BI.
  1. Power BI Proficiency:
  • Enhanced skills in importing data into Power BI, using both manual and automated methods.
  • Improved ability to create and manage relationships between different tables within the dataset.
  • Developed expertise in using DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) for creating calculated columns and measures to derive additional insights.
  1. Data Visualization:
  • Designed and implemented various visualizations, such as bar charts, pie charts, and tables, to effectively communicate key insights.
  • Customized visual elements to improve readability and user engagement, including the use of colors, labels, and interactive elements.
  • Ensured that the dashboard layout was intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for users to navigate and extract information.
  1. Analytical Thinking:
  • Analyzed the election data to identify key trends and patterns, such as the growth of BJP from 2014 to 2019 and the slight improvement in Congress's performance.
  • Interpreted the visualizations to draw meaningful conclusions about voter behavior, party performance, and regional political dynamics.

How you can help me:

I've successfully completed over 80 Power BI projects, all showcased in my Novypro portfolio. You're all invited to visit my portfolio and explore these amazing projects!

Additionally, I'm currently seeking internship or entry-level opportunities. If you have any opportunities available or need a freelance Power BI project completed, please connect with me on LinkedIn.

Looking forward to connecting with you all!

Created and Presented by-

Saddam Ansari @Aspiring Data Analyst LinkedIn Location: India THE END

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