Saddam Mart Retail Sales Analysis Dashboard

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Saddam Mart Retail Sales Analysis Dashboard

Saddam Mart Sales Dashboard

About this project

Saddam Mart Retail Sales Analysis Dashboard

Created & Analyzed by Saddam Ansari | Data and Reporting Analyst LinkedIn

About Saddam Mart


Saddam Mart is a prominent retail chain known for its wide range of products, including technology, furniture, office supplies, non-food items, and food items.

The company operates numerous stores across various cities, including Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Trivandrum, and more.

Saddam Mart is committed to providing quality products at competitive prices, ensuring customer satisfaction through a seamless shopping experience. The company's mission is to become a leading retail destination, offering a diverse product portfolio and excellent customer service.

About the Project

This project involves the creation of a comprehensive retail sales dashboard for Saddam Mart. The dashboard is designed to provide detailed insights into store performance, item sales, transaction analysis, and overall retail sales.

By leveraging data visualization techniques, the dashboard aims to help stakeholders make informed decisions, optimize inventory management, and enhance sales strategies. The project will utilize historical sales data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities for growth.

Stakeholders' Requests

The stakeholders at Saddam Mart have specific requests for this project:

1. Unified Dashboard: They want a single dashboard with multiple insights pages, allowing easy navigation and comprehensive analysis.

2. Sales Overview: A high-level overview of total sales, receipts, quantity sold, and profit. 3. Store Performance: Detailed analysis of sales by store, including top-performing stores and sales by city. 4. Item Sales: Breakdown of sales by item and item category, highlighting top-selling products. 5. Transaction Analysis: Insights into transaction counts, receipts, and profit margins by store and product. 6. Monthly Trends: Visualization of sales, costs, and profits by month to identify seasonal trends. 7. Payment Methods: Analysis of sales by different payment types (cash, credit card, debit card, etc.). 8. Custom Insights: Any additional insights that can help optimize operations and sales strategies.

Project Objective

The primary objective of this project is to create an interactive and insightful dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of Saddam Mart's retail operations. The dashboard will enable stakeholders to:

  • Monitor and analyze sales performance across different stores and product categories.
  • Identify top-performing stores, products, and payment methods.
  • Track monthly sales trends and seasonal variations.
  • Make data-driven decisions to enhance sales strategies, inventory management, and customer satisfaction.
  • Optimize operational efficiency by identifying areas for improvement.

Tools Used

To achieve the project objectives, the following tools and technologies will be utilized:

  • Power BI: For data visualization and dashboard creation, providing interactive and dynamic insights.
  • Excel: For initial data cleaning, transformation, and analysis.

About the Dataset

For this project, I have been provided with a comprehensive retail sales dataset from Saddam Mart. The dataset is in CSV format and contains sales data spanning from January 3, 2019, to December 30, 2022. This extensive dataset consists of 10,922 rows, capturing various aspects of retail transactions.

Example Data Entries undefined

Here are some sample entries from the dataset:

Data Description undefined

✨Dashboard Style Credit

This dashboard is inspired by the Global Data 365 Sales Analysis Dashboard. The design, layout, and visualization techniques have been influenced by the effective and insightful presentation style of the Global Data 365 team. By adopting their approach, the goal is to create a user-friendly and comprehensive dashboard that provides clear and actionable insights into Saddam Mart's retail sales data.

For those interested in exploring the original content and gaining further insights into the design principles and functionalities of the Global Data 365 Sales Analysis Dashboard, you can watch their video through this link: https://youtu.be/qBVLotvgQHE?si=brbAEl2CmVyN5qMw

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard is structured into three main pages, each addressing specific objectives and user requests:

  1. Sales Performance Overview: This page provides a snapshot of overall sales performance, including total sales, average sales per day, and sales trends over time.

  2. Product Analysis: This section dives into product-level details, highlighting top-performing products, sales by product category, and trends in product sales.

  3. Regional Sales Analysis: This page focuses on geographic performance, showing sales distribution across different regions, top regions by sales, and regional sales trends.

Detailed Explanation:

Let's break down each section of the Retail Sales Dashboard, explaining the insights provided by each visual in detail.


Page 1: Overview:


1. KPI's Explanations:

1. Receipt (2930):

This metric indicates the total number of receipts, i.e., the total number of transactions recorded. With 2930 receipts, it showcases the volume of transactions over the period analyzed.

2. Sales ($13.4M):

The total sales amounting to $13.4 million represents the gross revenue generated from all transactions. This is a key performance indicator that reflects the overall business performance.

3. Quantity (44,722):

The total quantity of items sold, 44,722, highlights the volume of products sold. This helps in understanding the demand and sales volume across different items.

4. Cost ($11.3M):

The total cost, which is $11.3 million, represents the expenditure incurred to acquire or produce the sold items. This is crucial for calculating profit margins.

5. Profit ($2.1M):

The profit metric of $2.1 million shows the net earnings after deducting costs from sales. This is a critical measure of the business's profitability.

6. AVG Sales ($1230):

The average sales per transaction amount to $1,230. This helps in understanding the average transaction value, indicating customer spending behavior.

2. Sales by Month


This bar chart visualizes monthly sales figures. March shows a significant peak in sales, indicating a possible seasonal trend or successful marketing campaign during that month. November and December also show high sales, which could be attributed to holiday season shopping.

3. Cost and Profit by Month


This combination chart tracks monthly costs and profits. The green bars represent costs, and the blue line represents profit.

The chart reveals that despite fluctuations in costs, profits show a steady increase towards the end of the year, indicating effective cost management or increased sales efficiency.

4. Top 5 Stores by Sales

Insights: This bar chart lists the top five stores by their sales performance:

  • STHYD-6 KP Sinha Shop: $1.38M
  • STVSK-1 Saddam Fashion and Style Shop: $1.14M
  • STTRV-0 Saddam TS Fashion Store: $1.03M
  • STBLR-8 Regional Fancy Store: $0.91M
  • STCBE-3 Regional Store de Fashion: $0.89M

These stores are the top revenue generators, highlighting their significance in the overall business performance.

5. Sales by Payment Type

Insights: This pie chart shows the distribution of sales by different payment methods:

  • Net Banking: $3.65M
  • Cash: $3.04M
  • Debit Card: $3.32M
  • Credit Card: $3.05M
  • NA (Not Available): $0.33M Net Banking and Debit Card are the most preferred payment methods, suggesting a trend towards digital payments among customers.

6. Top 5 Items by Sales

Insights: This bar chart lists the top five items based on sales revenue:

  • Curtains: $0.27M
  • Doodh Kesar Body Lotion: $0.27M
  • Canon imageCLASS: $0.25M
  • Waterproof Immersion Rod: $0.18M
  • GBC Ibimaster 500: $0.17M

These items are the highest contributors to sales, indicating their popularity and demand in the market.

The dashboard effectively provides a comprehensive overview of the retail sales performance, highlighting key metrics, sales trends, cost and profit analysis, top-performing stores and items, and payment preferences. This enables stakeholders to make informed decisions to drive business growth and efficiency.


Page 2: Store Sales Analysis:


1. KPI's

  • Receipt: 2930
  • Sales: $13.4M
  • Quantity: 44,722
  • Cost $11.3M
  • Profit $2.1M
  • Total Store: 21

2. Sales by Store

Insight: This bar chart ranks the stores based on their sales performance. The top five stores by sales are:

  • STHYD-6 KP Sinha Shop Hyderabad: $1.38M
  • STVSK-1 Saddam Fashion and Style Shop Visakhapatnam: $1.14M
  • STTRV-0 Saddam TS Fashion Store Trivandrum: $1.03M
  • STBLR-8 Regional Fancy Store Bengaluru: $0.91M
  • STCBE-3 Regional Store de fashion Coimbatore: $0.89M

Explanation: The chart helps identify the most profitable stores. This information can be used to analyze what strategies are working in these top-performing stores, which can then be implemented in other locations to boost their performance.

3. Sales by Company

Insight: This bar chart shows sales performance across different companies within the retail chain. The top companies by sales are:

  • Saddam Group of Company: $3.1M
  • Nancy Group of Company: $2.9M
  • KP Group of Company: $2.8M
  • Regional Group of Company: $1.8M
  • Famous Group of Company: $1.5M

Explanation: This visualization helps in understanding which companies contribute the most to overall sales. It can guide decisions on where to focus marketing efforts and resource allocation.

4. Sales by Store City

Insight: This bar chart visualizes sales by city, with the top cities being:

  • Bengaluru: $2.46M
  • Chennai: $2.16M
  • Visakhapatnam: $1.90M
  • Hyderabad: $1.69M
  • Madurai: $1.24M

Explanation: This chart indicates which cities generate the most revenue, providing insights into regional performance. It helps in identifying key markets and potential areas for expansion.

5. Detailed Table of Sales by Store

Insight: This table provides detailed information on sales, quantity, profit, and receipts for each store. For instance:

STHYD-6 KP Sinha Shop Hyderabad:

  • Sales: $1.38M
  • Quantity: 4,251
  • Profit: $80,224
  • Receipt: 487

STVSK-1 Saddam Fashion and Style Shop Visakhapatnam:

  • Sales: $1.14M
  • Quantity: 4,251
  • Profit: $29,929
  • Receipt: 481

Explanation: This detailed view allows for granular analysis of each store’s performance, helping in pinpointing specific issues or successes at the store level. It supports strategic decisions regarding inventory, staffing, and marketing at individual stores.

Overall, the page provides a comprehensive overview of retail sales performance, including key metrics, store and company performance, and regional sales distribution. These insights enable stakeholders to make informed decisions to drive business growth and efficiency.


Page 3: Item Sales Analysis


1. KPI's

  • Receipt: 2930
  • Sales: $13.4M
  • Quantity: 44,722
  • Cost $11.3M
  • Profit $2.1M
  • Unsold %: 0.53%

2. Sales by Item

This bar chart ranks individual items based on their sales performance. The top-performing items include curtains, Doodh Kesar Body Lotion (200ML), and Canon imageCLASS 2200 Advanced.

Curtains ($269.5K): The top-selling item, curtains, generated $269.5K in sales, indicating a high demand for this product. It highlights the importance of this item in the overall sales mix, suggesting that it is a popular choice among customers.

Doodh Kesar Body Lotion ($268.5K): This item closely follows, with sales of $268.5K, showing that personal care products are also in high demand. This insight can guide inventory planning and marketing efforts to capitalize on the popularity of such items.

Canon imageCLASS 2200 Advanced ($253.4K): With sales of $253.4K, this technology product is among the top sellers, indicating strong interest in office supplies and equipment.

3. Sales by Item Category

This bar chart visualizes sales performance across different item categories, such as Technology, Furniture, Office Supplies, None-Food Items, and Food Items.

  • Technology ($4.1M): The Technology category leads with $4.1M in sales, showing that tech products are major revenue drivers. This insight emphasizes the importance of stocking a variety of technology products to meet customer demand.

  • Furniture ($4.0M): Furniture is another high-performing category, with $4.0M in sales. This indicates a significant demand for home and office furniture, suggesting potential for growth in this segment.

  • Office Supplies ($3.8M): Office supplies also show strong performance, with $3.8M in sales, highlighting their steady demand among consumers and businesses alike.

4. Sales by Item Sub Category

This bar chart breaks down sales performance within specific sub-categories, such as Chairs, Phones, Tables, Binders, Storage, and Home Care.

  • Chairs and Phones ($1.7M each): Chairs and Phones lead with $1.7M each in sales, indicating high demand for these items. This insight suggests focusing on these sub-categories to boost overall sales.

  • Tables and Binders ($1.1M each): Both Tables and Binders also perform well, with $1.1M each in sales. This shows that these sub-categories are essential contributors to the overall sales mix.

  • Storage and Home Care ($1.0M each): Storage and Home Care products also generate significant sales, indicating their importance in meeting customer needs for organization and home maintenance.

5. Sales by Item Segment

This pie chart displays sales distribution across different market segments: Consumer, Corporate, and Home Office.

  • Consumer Segment ($6.02M): The Consumer segment is the largest, with $6.02M in sales, indicating strong demand from individual customers. This insight can guide targeted marketing strategies to further tap into this segment.

  • Corporate Segment ($3.66M): Corporate sales amount to $3.66M, showing substantial demand from business customers. This highlights the importance of catering to corporate needs with specialized products and services.

  • Home Office Segment ($2.22M): The Home Office segment contributes $2.22M in sales, reflecting the growing trend of remote work and the need for home office supplies.

6. Unsold Items

This table lists items that remain unsold, providing details on the count of unsold units for each product. For example:

  • Curtains (10): 10 units of curtains remain unsold, suggesting a need for improved inventory management or marketing efforts to boost sales.
  • Doodh Kesar Body Lotion (10): Similarly, 10 units of this body lotion are unsold, indicating potential issues with demand forecasting or product promotion.

Understanding unsold items helps in identifying slow-moving products and taking corrective actions, such as promotions or inventory adjustments, to minimize unsold stock and optimize product turnover.


Page 4: Transaction Based Analysis


1. KPI's

  • Receipt: 2930
  • Sales: $13.4M
  • Quantity: 44,722
  • Cost $11.3M
  • Transactions: 5818
  • AVG Transaction Per Receipt: 2.0

2. Transaction and Receipt by Month

The bar chart with an overlay line graph illustrates the monthly distribution of transactions and receipts. This visual helps identify seasonal trends and sales patterns throughout the year.

The chart shows that certain months, such as March, August, October, and December, have higher transaction volumes, indicating peak sales periods. These insights are valuable for planning inventory, marketing campaigns, and staffing needs to maximize sales during high-demand periods.

3. Transaction by Company

This bar chart ranks companies based on the number of transactions they have generated. The companies are listed from the highest to the lowest number of transactions.

  • Saddam Group of Company (2151): Leading the chart with 2151 transactions, this group demonstrates strong market presence and customer engagement.

  • Nancy Group of Company (2009): With 2009 transactions, this company also shows significant customer interaction and sales activity.

  • KP Group of Company (1925): Ranking third, KP Group has 1925 transactions, indicating its competitive performance in the market.

These insights help in understanding which companies are driving the most transactions, enabling strategic partnerships and targeted business strategies to enhance sales performance.

4. Transaction by Product

This bar chart visualizes the number of transactions attributed to specific products. It highlights the top-performing products based on transaction volume.

  • Doodh Kesar Body Lotion (78): Leading the chart, this product has 78 transactions, indicating high demand and customer preference.
  • Waterproof Immersion Rod (74): With 74 transactions, this product is also popular among customers, suggesting its utility and market acceptance.
  • Curtains (68): Ranking third, curtains have 68 transactions, showing steady demand in the home decor segment.

These insights assist in identifying popular products and managing inventory accordingly to meet customer demand and maximize sales.

5. Transaction by Store

This table lists stores along with their corresponding sales, quantity, transactions, receipts, and profit figures. It provides a comprehensive view of each store's performance.

  • STHYD-6 (KP Sinha Shop Hyderabad): This store leads with $13.82M in sales, 4251 items sold, 979 transactions, 487 receipts, and $80,224 in profit. These figures indicate its strong market presence and effective sales strategies.

  • STVSK-1 (Saddam Fashion and Style Shop): With $11.36M in sales, 4251 items sold, 979 transactions, 487 receipts, and $2.09M in profit, this store shows excellent profitability and customer engagement.

  • STTRV-0 (Saddam TS Fashion Store Trivandrum): This store has $10.30M in sales, 3159 items sold, 717 transactions, 367 receipts, and $1.27M in profit, reflecting its competitive performance in the market.

These insights enable businesses to evaluate individual store performance, identify top-performing locations, and implement strategies to improve underperforming stores.



This retail sales dashboard for Saddam Mart provides a comprehensive analysis of store performance, item sales, transaction analysis, and overall retail sales.

By leveraging the power of data visualization in Power BI, the dashboard enables stakeholders to make informed decisions, optimize inventory management, and enhance sales strategies.

The insights gained from this dashboard will drive business growth, improve customer satisfaction, and ensure operational efficiency.


⚠⚠ Disclaimer:

This project is a work of fiction and created for educational purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, companies, or events is purely coincidental. The data used in this project is fictional and does not represent any real-life data.


Learning from the Project

  • Enhanced Data Analysis Skills: Working on this comprehensive retail sales dashboard project has significantly improved my data analysis skills. By analyzing various metrics like total sales, costs, profits, and understanding the sales trends across different stores and item categories, I have gained deeper insights into how to interpret and present data effectively.

  • Advanced Dashboard Design Proficiency: Creating this multi-page, interactive Power BI dashboard has honed my dashboard design skills. I have learned to create user-friendly, visually appealing dashboards that provide stakeholders with valuable insights, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning.


How it Helps Stakeholders

  • Informed Decision-Making: The dashboard provides stakeholders with detailed insights into sales performance, store efficiency, and product demand. This enables them to make data-driven decisions, optimize inventory management, and enhance sales strategies.

  • Operational Efficiency: By identifying top-performing stores, popular products, and preferred payment methods, stakeholders can streamline operations, focus on high-demand areas, and improve overall business efficiency, ultimately driving growth and customer satisfaction.


How you can help me:

I've successfully completed over 80 Power BI projects, all showcased in my Novypro portfolio. You're all invited to visit my portfolio and explore these amazing projects!

Additionally, I'm currently seeking internship or entry-level opportunities. If you have any opportunities available or need a freelance Power BI project completed, please connect with me on LinkedIn.

Looking forward to connecting with you all!

Created and Presented by-

Saddam Ansari @Aspiring Data Analyst LinkedIn

Location: India


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